Eliminating what stands between him and glory

Apr 16, 2009 02:16

Mamoru waited outside of Usagi's house, leaning against his car. He was dressed impeccably, ready for a night on the town. He had told the little bunny to dress nicely. Hopefully, she'd follow through. When she came out, she was a vision. Golden pigtails were brushed to perfection, a simple yet elegant dress adorned her form.

This wasn't getting any easier. When she reached up to kiss him, he went through the motions. Kiss her. Smile. Compliment her on how beautiful she looks, how good she smells. He opened the passenger door for her, closing it after she got in. It was a quick jog around to the other side, and he got in, driving off. The drive to the restaurant was a quiet one, with Usagi going on about her day. Going out with the girls, shopping for a dress. She thanked Mamoru for buying concert tickets for the girls so they could have a good time tonight too. Mamoru nodded, still silent. It was part of his boyfriend duties, remember? Be nice to your girlfriend's friends.

Dinner came and went.

Mamoru had originally planned on taking her back to his apartment afterwards, but Usagi begged to take a walk around the park. She complained that it was a beautiful night, and she didn't want to spend it indoors. As much as Mamoru protested, she still went on about it. To shut her up, Mamoru agreed. There were secluded parts of the park at this time of night.

He walked beside her - this time, Usagi was quiet, taking her time to bask in her surroundings, taking in the light of the moon. It angered Mamoru how she could be so carefree after everything that had happened. Did she ever think about what had happened? If she hadn't fallen in love with him, and in turn betwitched him? How he was forced into loving her in this lifetime? He had a life before getting those dreams about the princess and the ginzuishou. He had things he wanted to do. He's had to put his life on hold to protect the girl next to him.

He wondered if the other Senshi ever felt this way.

Taking her hand, Mamoru darts into the dark foliage around them. "Mamo-chan? W-where are we going?"

He doesn't say anything - he just turns and gives her one of his smiles. One that says "trust me." Usagi never questioned Mamoru. She loved him, with all of her heart and soul. They were destined to be together, ever since the Silver Milennium. He would never lead her astray. He pulled her for some time, leading her deeper into the forest around the park. When he found a suitable place, Mamoru stopped, leaning against a tree. It was quiet where they were, and they were too far off of the beaten path for anyone to notice.

Usagi immediately assumed it was because Mamoru wanted to be alone with her. At least she was partially right. The prince of Earth pushed himself away from the tree, taking her in his arms. He kissed her, that small part of his heart that still cared for her crying out in pain. Why. Why did this have to be done? It was quickly silenced my logic and pride. There had to be necessary sacrifices for the greater good. Slowly, he guided her over to a tree, backing her up against it. She was so happy just to be there alone with him - they hardly ever had a chance to do so.

It only took a couple of minutes before Mamoru worked up enough courage to do what he had planned to do that night. From Usagi's sides, Mamoru's hands wound their way up her body, finally reaching her neck. He held them there, like he was just holding her head closer to him, but slowly, his hands started to squeeze around her neck.

"Mamo-chan...!" He pulled his head away from her then, dark blue eyes staring at her. They weren't Mamoru's though - they were Endymion's. In that mere second, the armor had manifested on him, black cape falling from his shoulders. Usagi's eyes looked up at him, wide with dear as her small hands clawed at his larger ones. Her sandaled feet scraped at the ground, trying to kick at him, but to no avail.

"You will not hold this Earth under your control any more, Princess of the Moon. Ruling Earth will be my charge and duty, not yours. Your reign of terror will be stopped," Endymion said coldly and unfeeling. Endymion knew that his civilian self had planned this, but there was still something lingering in the boy's heart that wanted to prevent him from doing his mission. Endymion was taking control of his life back, taking control of his Kingdom and his heart.

Usagi's hands slowed, barely pawing at his hands. Her lips and face were blue from lack of oxygen, and her eyes slowly started to roll into the back of her head. Finally, the last breath fell from Tsukino Usagi's lips. Her small body went limp in Endymion's hands. The Prince of Earth smiled, and with a wave of his cape, Tuxedo Kamen stood there. This was Mamoru's form as Guardian of Earth, and now he was fully aware of what had happened. He almost dropped to his knees to save the girl that lay dead at his feet. He couldn't.

Instead, a gloved hand raised into the air, calling the energies about him. "Tuxedo La Smoking Bomber!" His hand shot out at Usagi's body, the energies shooting forth. The girl's body was decimated, nothing left.

Tuxedo Kamen stood there in the silence of the park, staring down at the place Usagi's body had fallen. There was nothing left of her. The grass was already beginning to restraighten, crushed leaves drifting away in the breeze. The man in the tuxedo turned on his heel, walking away. He would take the back way around to his car.

Somewhere across town, the Senshi of Mars felt something - and something was definately wrong. Thankfully, youma started popping up all over the city. She'd have to deal with those... and by the time things were figured out, Mamoru would be long gone.

*history, *continuation, *rp

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