It's hard to believe we've been living here nearly 6 months now. There have been some adjustments to make and I miss having a job, believe it or not, but we all love it here. Should have done it years ago!
Am really into my writing again, must be the new environment! No Elves though, unfortunately. But I'm having a great time in the DC universe! has everything I've done so far. Also considering uploading some of my better LOTR stuff.
And that's kind of it, so have some picspam!
I love coming here for coffee:
His Birthday back in January - 7 now. :)
I didn't make the cake, I admit:
Sofa hog!
Aedan and I took a rare 'just the two of us' day and went to the local museum. Aedan is REALLY interested in history and geography right now, so I'm trying to encourage it.
School run!
And to finish, a slightly non-sober selfie with my aunt!