Oct 12, 2005 15:02
I get my wisdom teeth out Friday @9am so I expect visitors at my house all weekend keeping me company. I am very nervous and I just hope my face doesn't swell that much because I have to come back to school Sunday and I don't want to be walking around campus lookin like a chipmunk!
Everything else is going well, I wrote 3 papers this week and I am soo happy they are done! School is really hard this semester but I just have to keep telling myself I only have one more semester left after this and I am done!! CRAZY!
I think I got a nannying job out here for a 10 month old boy, how cute... the lady contacted my references and said they said nothing but wonderful things about me. I go for my interview next saturday so keep your fingers crossed, I have never gone for an interview before...eek!
Other than that things are going good and I am lovin school.
Well I am outta here but don;t forget to come visit me if your home this weekend!!