Three Nights of Obon - Epilogue

Jan 18, 2013 18:06

Okay, I just had to write this tiny epilogue. You see, something struck me, about the timing, and... I couldn't resist.


It was once again time for the Obon, and she was waiting alone in the living room.

The past year had seen great changes in her life. Or, in fact, just one change, but it was the greatest of all - a new life had been born.

Masao had been so surprised when she had told him she was pregnant it had almost been funny, and even more surprised he was when she insisted on keeping the baby. He had muttered something about them being too old for a new child - well, she wasn't. Truly, these days there were women who had their first baby at her age. Hikaru had said nothing, just given her growing stomach strange looks.

Now that she held her daughter, her perfect, beautiful daughter with soft downy hair, tiny fists clenching tightly round her finger, bright lavender eyes looking curiously at the world, she couldn't have been happier.

The baby had been born in the spring, on Children's Day. Hikaru had been behaving so very strangely back then, she didn't really know what had been going on with him. He had disappeared for a while, went to Innoshima of all places - and when he had come back to see his new baby sister, the look on his face had been so lost and confused that for a moment she forgot all about the baby and just hugged him.

When she had told him they'd name the child Sai - unless he had something against it - he had looked like he was ready to faint. She had almost told him the truth then, but decided not to. He had his secrets, why couldn't she have hers? And if Sai hadn't told him, she wouldn't, either.

And now, it was again time for the Obon, and she was waiting, alone.

THE END (for real)

Alright, a random piece of trivia that has absolutely nothing to do with the fic, but I happened to come across an Egyptian deity called Sai, and this… amuses me (from wiki):

Shai (also spelt Sai, occasionally Shay, and in Greek, Psais) was the deification of the concept of fate in Egyptian mythology. As a concept, with no particular reason for associating one gender over another, Shai was sometimes considered female, rather than the more usual understanding of being male…

Male, female, hard to tell with a Sai of any kind, apparently…

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