Nov 24, 2011 22:27
I just realized something.
I don't know if all of you know about Kalevala, the Finnish national epic that was collected from local folklore and songs in the 1800's. Anyway it's kind of a big deal here.
I just realized what it really is, though. It's about prehistoric rappers.
Srsly. The third song in the epic is about the main hero, Väinämöinen, literally running into Joukahainen who's, depending on the version, either his brother or his enemy or just some random young asshole. And so they proceed to argue about who gets to keep his direction and who has to make way. And they solve this with a duel. Of rhyming skills.
No, really.
It all ends with Väinämöinen's singing being so badass that he sinks Joukahainen into a swamp with his words. And Joukahainen has to bribe Väinämöinen to save his life. He offers pretty much all his stuff but Väinämöinen doesn't care. Until he promises him his sister which Väinämöinen accepts because she's a hot chick or whatever. (Except she doesn't like the deal because Väinämöinen is too old and drowns herself... but anyway.)
And that's just the start... half of the songs are basically about breaking some Epic Rhymes or battling with rhymes or going to fucking HELL to look for some old badass rhymes forgotten by the living. And the rest... are basically about getting chicks or money, together with your homies.
Damn... it really is like rappers.