Jun 04, 2005 11:02
ok ok ok
Current mood: optimistic
so i'm going out of town with my cousin to "naca-nowhere" this weekend where ill surely have NOTHING to do. so at long last i'll have a chance to update this damned thing!! so much has gone on this spring you guys... so much drama in so many ways. some serious and some stupid. but anyhow, i am more grateful than ever to be alive. having a near death ecperience really opens your eyes, makes you re-evaluate what you're doing, who's around you, why you do what you do... i really feel that some on eor thing is watching out fo rme and that i got a second chance. so that you aren't worrying and i don't leave you on a season finale cliffhanger i'll breifly let you knwo what happened. in february, i was in a high speed head on collision. it was 8pm on a two lane (total) farm to market road (aka FM 477) in sanger texas. jake, my boyfriend at the time (we're still friends and we didn't break up because of this), was with me and this 17 yr old kid hit us head on. we were going about 55/60mph and figure with the result of the acccident the kid was going 70/80mph. it was UGLY. i crawled outof the car through the passenger side. neither driver's side doors would open as the kids car had eventually slid down the side of my car after hitting me and sliding part of his car up my hood. he lost his back driver's side tire with half an axle and a shock still attached to it. it ended up in the lane next to us. thank go i was in a jetta, and have the body awareness i do (from being a trainer and a dancer) or i would be in a lot worse shape than i was and am. here's my original message after the accident
many of you are not aware, but I was in an ugly car accident on sunday evening. it's amazing nothing is broken, and a miracle my boyfriend and I are alive. (thank god he was with me and thank god we live to tell the story...) anyhow, it was on a FM road (for those of you non-texans, that means farm to market, ie a back country two lane road) about 10 miles north of denton in the town of sanger, texas. we were on our way to lake ray roberts, but never made it to the lake. we were hit somewhat head-on by another sedan who was traveling way too fast and ended up sliding into our lane while coming around a curve. there was no where for us to go. we both hit brakes, jake says my skid marks were about 5 feet, the other car stopped our momentum completely and managed to keep going --sans driver's side rear tire--a good 50 yds where he ended in a ditch perpendicular to traffic. it was FRIGHTENING. I have a couple cuts from windshield glass on my left wrist, a lot of bruises, and some pulled muscles. I left the crash site in the ambulance, taking jake with me (he later told me the other driver, some 17ish year old kid, did get a ticket for something...I should finally be able to get a copy of the police report in the AM) just to be sure no vertebrae were displaced and no discs were torn... it's hard to tell how bad it is when you are in shock. I didn't really see my car until this morning...I never walked in front to look at the wreck. I didn't really want to know. anyhow, after a few x-rays I was pronounced fine and given some great medication...but after a small convulsive episode I'm laying off the vicaden...
so the kid got a ticket for driving at excessive speed and for driving in the wrong lane... for those of you who knwo ANYthing abotu cars...he was (ok, i put it this way, i don't know that he was actually trying to do this...) he was trying to corner a 2000 dodge intrepid. any bets this was his mother's car?
Currently listening:
Pablo Honey
By Radiohead
Release date: By 20 April, 1993