insert witty line with the word "dance" here

Jul 12, 2007 01:40

Disclaimer here: I am not trying to sound like any particular person in order to shift my result towards a certain character. I don't do that. So if you see any qualities that are eerily alike a character, well, that's just the way I am. That's me. That's not me trying to manipulate the results. Of course, I'm not saying that I'm very similar to a certain character. This is just in case.
The Basics
Name: I don't want to give away my real name. I hope that's alright.
Nickname: Skipping.
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Likes: I like being alone. And when I say alone, I don't mean by myself all the time. I mean alone, as in without knowing anyone. I like sitting in a park full of people I don't know; that way I am still alone. I also like being by myself, but I don't mind being alone. I enjoy tea - wait, I forgot to have my daily cup today; I suppose I'll make some now. I like to read - alot. People used to call me strange for wanting to be alone and read instead of being with my "friends". But I'm probably alot smarter than them now because of it. =P (I used to win contests all the time for reading the most books during the school year. I say "used to" because there are no more contests. If there were, I'd win.)

I like photography, and piano. I like music in general; almost even genre except for rap (but that belongs in the dislikes section, now, doesn't it?). Instrumental music is one of my favorite genres to listen to, because it expresses words better than the words themselves. I like to write, but more often than not, I don't have the time. But when I do, I feel like I'm expressing myself though it in a way like nothing else. I also like to debate, or, argue. My favorite food is ravioli and I eat it every Friday. I've eaten it every single Friday that I could since I was around eight. I like my computer (heh), and I like writing code. I can only do it on myspace, though. I'm currently experimenting with graphics design, too but I still have much room for improvement. I like night better than day. It gives me a calming feeling. Learning is a passion of mine. I love to learn about the things around me, about myself, even. I like knowing things so I can share my knowledge with others when they need it (unfortunately, that's not in a selfless, humble way. It's more of a way to show off. Which is something that I'm not proud of.)

Oh, I also enjoy playing video games (I have since I was very young), and I watch some anime. The only anime I watch, really, is Sailor Moon (which I have watched since I was around seven), Magic Knight Rayearth, and more recently, Princess Tutu. (Can you see the similarities between them? Heh.). I have never read any manga.

There are so many things I like, I can't possibly write them all down. I hope that gives you at least a fragment of an idea of my likes, because there are many more (I just can't think of them).

Dislikes: Honestly, I dislike these personality questionnaires. Why? Because I suck as writing down my personality. It just can't be written down. I don't have many black and white qualities. Mostly, I'm filled with gray. A little bit of everything. ... I dislike hypocrites, though. That's for sure. I dislike running, and - you know what, I just thought of something. You're probably wondering why I'm doing this if I dislike these personality things. Well, there's another gray area. I like personality test/quizzes (what the heck do you call this, anyway?), but I'm frustrated with them for said reasons. So I dislike them, even though I like them. Because I dislike being frustrated. See? That's the way I am. I'm just a bunch of walking contradictions.

Anyway, I dislike rice. But I love chinese food. Sushi is grotesque, and washing dishes and clothes is torture. I dislike marriage, too, I suppose. I don't want to get married. Just a note: I don't dislike being around people. I hope I didn't give that impression when I said I liked being alone. I just prefer it. Sometimes I enjoy other people's company. I don't think a person can live in solitary their entire life. People need people. I need people.

Hobbies: I don't think I have many hobbies. Well, I act, but it's not a hobby. I suppose photography can be considered one of my hobbies. Is computering a hobby? Is computering even a word? Well, I do computer stuff. Not technical stuff, just fun stuff.

Talents: Um. I feel arrogant answering this one. I guess acting is one of my talents. It's the only thing I feel safe at saying I'm good at. I'm just alright at alot of things, but acting rises above the other things I'm just alright at.

Ambitions/Goals: To travel to every single country in the world, and buy a souvenir from each one to prove that I've been there.

Strong points: I'm not afraid of people. I tell them straight to their face what's on my mind (which is not implying that what I say is mean or rude; I have nice things on my mind, too, ya know). I stand up for the "little people" and I stand against what I know is wrong without fail. I also have the strange, er, ability to answer any question in my head. I mean questions about life. It's like having your own personal adviser. I always know the right thing to say and do when I ask myself for advice in my head. Then I can tell myself the answer. That doesn't mean I always do and say the right thing. Absolutely not; I'm extremely stubborn and prideful. But at the same time, I'm shy and insecure (DARN those gray areas!).

Weak points: I don't let people close to me. Ever. I always speculate the worst in people. I'm elusive, and never reveal my "true self" to people. My "true self" is difficult to convey.It remains only in my mind, and since it's so many different qualities, even contradicting ones, smashed together, the fact that such a personality is difficult to convey means only certain parts of it show at times. So, what I mean is, the only place I am all of those qualities is inside of me. For example, I probably sound like a crazy, cold, isolated person right now, but at times I can be fun and, actually, boisterous. I even have a fantastic sense of humor. Sometimes, that is. Which is due to my personality being unable to convey contradicting part of itself outside of me. (DARN those gray areas AGAIN!)

Your personality in 3 words: How about this? I. am. indecisive. Really, I can't pick 3 words. Hopefully you can understand that. But this summarizes my personality quite well: Rough on the outside; almost the opposite on the inside.

Mature/immature: Mostly mature.
Outgoing/shy: STOP asking these black and white questions! I'm both. Okay?
Graceful/clumsy: AGAIN. I AM BOTH. I CAN'T CHOOSE.
Optimistic/pessimistic: Okay, this is difficult, also. I'm mostly pessimistic when I talk. Almost everything I say has a sarcastic tone to it ("sarcastic" is a word many choose to describe me). But inside, I'm a dreamer. I daydream all the time. I hope and dream for the best, so in that way, I'm optimistic. On the inside. But outside, I come off as pessimistic. Why is that? Even I'm not sure. I'll have to think about that some.
Leader/follower: Er. I think you know what I'm going to say. Yes, both.

I think I'm a bit indecisive, really.

Color: I don't have one.
Animal: I don't have one.
Food: Ravioli.
Scents/smells: Spanish Moss and Storm Watch from Yankee Candle.
Fairy tale: Erm. I don't have one.
Princess Tutu character, explain: Okay, I can answer this question without saying "I don't have one". Fakir is my favorite character, mainly because of his strong will. Though he needed a push from Ahiru, he ended up changing what most believed was unchangeable. I admire that.

Least Favorite
Color: Probably brown.
Animal: I don't have one.
Food: Tuna noodle casserole.
Scents/smells: Clean laundry.
Fairy tale: Hansel and Gretel. Very scary. (It always freaked me out!)
Princess Tutu character, explain: The monster raven. What a creep! Drosselmeyer comes in close second (he's horrible to make people suffer!).

Have you ever taken ballet lessons? How did you find the experience?
I took ballet for six years when I was very young. I enjoyed it, but stopped because I didn't have enough time for it. Sometimes I still do "ballet" around the house, but it's really more like waving my arms and legs around in a disturbing manner. Basically, my ballet skills are minimum.

If you find out that the only way to save the one you love is to disappear into a flash of light, what would you do?
Probably try and find a way to change that. Really. I'd spend all my time trying to find a way to get around it. I've always believed "where there's a will, there's a way". Like when I lose something, I tell myself, "It's fine, you'll find it." And I always do. I don't know how that's related, except for the fact that when I find out bad things are going to happen I shrug it off, because I believe I'll find a way out. And I would find a way out. Guaranteed. Okay, and if I didn't, I'm probably get really frustrated and tell my love to save himself. Then I'd feel bad, and end up sacrificing myself for him, because though I seem careless, I'm actually very capable of loving and selflessly risking myself for others, in the end. In fact, I'd give probably give up alot just to be able to save people or heal them, or something alike.

Honestly, I care alot about people. Maybe a bit too much. Which is probably why I act like I don't care in order to protect myself. When I was younger, I openly cared about people, and all that happened was me getting hurt repeatedly. So, I suppose I'd rather seem uncaring then overly caring. But if need be, I'd give up everything for someone I care about. I'm very brave and am hardly afraid of anything. (Except for spiders and knives. Spiders because they're creepy, and knives because my sister used to chase me around the house with butcher knives. I nicknamed her Chuckie, but that only drove more knives towards me.)

I've always had this desire to "save" people. Like a superhero, or a hero of any kind. Ever since I was young, I've wished to be a hero somehow. To save people in a way that no one else can. So when all hope seems lost, I could help them. So, I'd be honored to sacrifice myself in such a way.

If your life were a fairy tale, which would it be (and why?)
Um. I'm not familiar enough with fairy tales to decide that. Besides, I don't like there's any like my life.

Picture (optional -- feel free to just describe yourself if you don't have/don't want to post pictures):

{Pictures removed for safety purposes}

Links to 3 apps you voted on (edit your post as you go on):
{ 1}{ 2}{ 3}
Anything else? :3

Actually, yes.

-I'd like to mention something about my liking to be alone. Remember, that means without people I know. But I know alot of people. I have friends. The only reason I'm not alone all the time is because I'd feel bad if I kept ignoring everybody, because whether I like it or not, people are going to be my friend. And I'm okay with that.

-First impressions are important. As are the opinions of others regarding you. So here's a quote from my friend about when we first met: "When I met you, I thought, "Oh my gosh, that girl is so mean!" But the more I got to know you, the more I discovered that you weren't really mean at all, you were very nice, actually. You're just very blunt. I was used to being around happy, nice people all the time, so I didn't get that." Now she's picked up my habit of using words like "idiot" as a term of endearment or without meaning to use it. (The other day she told me she was with her friend who was trying to talk to her, but my friend was quiet because she was praying, but her friend wouldn't shut up because so she said, "I'm praying, you idiot!") Yes, unfortunately, I have that habit and am actually, unwillingly, spreading it. About what she said, though; she's not alone. I've heard that people's first impressions of me are often that I'm mean.

- I'm a very deep person, and I think about everything. I analyze and pick things apart. People, even. I'm very good at reading people's character from just looking at them.

I'm going to stop now before I explode everyone's brains.

Did I mention I get edit-happy often? I must have edited this thing fifty times. Sheesh! I'm such an (okay, first, I was going to say "idiot". But I was afraid that people would say I'm trying to be like Fakir. Then I was going to say "retard", but I though some might find that offensive. Then I was going to say "loser", but that makes me sound idiotic. Okay, I did not realize I just typed that. Sorry. Did I also mention I'm a rambler? I need to fix that.).

I'd also like to add that someone once told me I laugh like a crow.

I FORGOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT SO LISTEN. I hate stereotyping. I hate it more than anything else. I hate being stereotyped and I hate to see others stereotyped. As I result, I don't stereotype people. I cannot express how much I despise stereotyping. I also hate being talked down to or treated lowly, even by my "elders" or those in authority. I strongly believe children don't have enough rights, at least in the United States. The reason why is another page long story, which I'll spare you all from.

So there you have it, you've seen the inner mechanics of my soul. At least, a fraction of them. Which no else besides me has seen until now. But I don't mind you knowing any of this, because I don't really know you (and you wouldn't exactly be properly equipped to stamp me without knowing this, now, would you?). I couldn't tell this to anyone I actually knew. Not even my family. Why? I don't know, they'd probably make fun of me for being "melodramatic" or something. So I shut up about about it.


Oh, and peer pressure is almost non-existant for me. I do what I want when I want to do it. I don't let people tell me what to do. I can't stand that. Oh, and I could never slit my wrists. that might sound random, but I think it's disgusting. I have a fear of knives, and generally sharp objects, and the thought of one even touching my body, let alone slicing it, is something I'd rather not think about. Also, for some reason, I'm really wrist-cautious. As in, I get a weird uncomfortable feeling if anything touches my wrist (or the skin right below it on the inside of my arm). It makes me squirm. Just thinking about it is making me squirm.

A handy quality about myself is that I can be whoever I want to be. Meaning, if the situation calls for me to be kind and polite, I can be kind and polite. If I need to be up-front, assertive and blunt, that's no problem. (I don't really have any distinct characteristics, because I'm...everything.) Though many people see me as a shy person, when I need to do a public speech or presentation for school or such, I have no problem. I can be lively and I know how to get the audience interested. That's due to me having all qualities in me. It's helpful at times, though agonizing at others. But it explains why I'm a good actress - It's never difficult for me to be a character because all I have to do is pick out the qualities from myself and show them when I'm playing a character. Also, I can feel any feeling, even if I've never felt it before. Take love, for example. I was a fifth grader, who had never been in love, but was able to write a poem that just oozed with feelings of unrequited love. When I was in the fifth grade. I still think it's a good poem even now, 6 years later. So, I can feel any feeling. Why and how, I don't know. But it's helpful when I act.

What I've stated in the latter is something that's led to me a sort of struggle about who I truly am. Most everyone has a personality that is clear-cut and recongnizable. But do you do when your personality is a little of everything? What does that make you? Who does that make you? If likes, dislikes and everything else were stripped away but my personality, I wouldn't be anyone specific. I have to rely on the shallow (likes and dislikes) to explain who I am, because without them I would be everything; therefore, I'd be nothing. Oh, there's something else that I can rely on. Morals. I've always had a strong sense of right and wrong, on my own, that is; not because I was raised that way. But even then I struggle, because I have evil in me. I have everything, and that includes evil, and my evil hates my morals. It hates everything good in me, and my good hates the evil. And so my inner battle ensues...but thankfully, my good usually wins over the evil. That is, with the help of Someone. And I suppose from that struggle comes my desire to be a hero; my own longing and inability to conquer the evil inside of myself wants to make up for that, and being able to save others from "evil" would be somewhat of a reassurance. Something that says I can do something; that I can defeat evil. Because I can't defeat my own evil, I want to defeat others' evil instead. Actually, if the opportunity ever arose, I would do my best do defeat any "evil". I know I would. There'd be no second guessing.

raven mytho, fakir, !stamped

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