Stamped; Story Role Theme

Apr 24, 2008 21:43

Name: Xinda
Age: 25
Gender: Female

From a scale of 1-10 (1 is left trait, 10 is right trait), and why: I hope I do this part right :X

Optimistic/Pessimistic? [5] I'm optimistic with others -- sincerely so. But, more pessimistic when it comes to things directly dealing with myself. I'm under the "Prepare for the worse, hope for the best" when it comes to myself.
Altruistic/Selfish? [3] Something like that. While I may sometimes want to lean more towards selfish and my thoughts may sometimes make this a "5-6" my acts are more of a others come first. Others thoughts/feelings/needs comes first. Though, I suppose it's more of a 4 lately, but more often than not, I suppose more altruistic?
Idealistic/Cynical? [4] Lately I have become more cynical in some ways, but overall, I'm more leaning towards the left there. I am trying desperately, though, not to go more towards the right. It's too unpleasant and I've seen how those that can be such are... and I don't like it (personally, of course).
Aggressive/Submissive? [5] Some people will say I'm more Aggressive - others will say far more Submissive. I fluctuate. Depending on who I'm around and the situation. And how I am typically around said person. If I'm typically more submissive, it tends to stick - usually with some work as sometimes I fear that if I suddenly shift too much people may not like it? One way or the other? Or something. But, I'm more in the center. I can be more submissive more often than not, but I'm still more in the middle if I average out all scenarios?
In the spotlight/In the background? [5] What I am vs what I'd like to be, I suppose. I'd love to be in the spotlight as far as some things go (to be a superstar~~~ =3), but I tend to be more in the background. And, say, in public, I tend to prefer to be in the background. It's rare that I'll shift to the spotlight. If it's for career/passion choice (dancing or acting, for example) I'll move to the spotlight, I suppose. However, if it's for most anything else, I'll move more towards the background? Also when you try to be in the spotlight and still end up in the background... ^^;
Forthright/Indirect? [7] Yeah... I don't think I really need to explain this one?
Someone that stabilizes the world/Someone that changes the world? [5] I picked in the middle because I'm rather uncertain. I guess it depends on what type of change can be done and then what type of stablizing can be done? Such as, in the actual story, I would want to change it (break it from the mold and give the characters back their strings rather than being such puppets) and then stablize it in the sense of keeping it from having a puppet master again? Or I suppose more changing than stablizing? X_x;

Did you ever play make believe when you were younger? If so, what kinds of characters did you play, in what kind of stories? Always. Still do in a sense. I mean, if you're a writer/creator, I would imagine in some cases a person still does if for nothing else than inspiration or to get a better grasp on something. All sorts of characters, actually, I suppose. The one that doesn't give up, though, typically. The one that helps others, is the "hero-esque"? I guess that's the one more often than not... And stories of adventure and fighting and obstacles and... yeah XD Or even when I try to sleep, story-ahoy!
What's your favorite fairy tale and why? Mmm, not sure. I prefer Disney's version, but I'm not sure. Off hand I suppose I rather liked the version of Rumpelstiltskin (don't know how many there are) that I enjoyed as a child? Or even Peter Pan? I like ones where you go to another world and meet new people. The ones where you fight and then have to make a decision. Though, I prefer the happy endings where everyone gets what they want -- which is rare. Even in Disney's Little Mermaid, Ariel had to sacrifice never being with her family again... And Rumpelstiltskin .. from what i recall, I liked the overcoming things and the sort of riddle-guessing games of it... At least those come to mind off hand... (Though I can admit I did like the original Little Mermaid in one sense, but much prefer Disney's).
If you found a genie and his magic lamp and he offered you three wishes, what would they be and why? I take it "wishing for more wishes" is out of the question? I'm not sure. Because in a sense I want things to still be open-ended and... mmm. I guess money whenever I need it (and worded the wish so there were no loopholes; since, in this day and age, money would do a lot of good. Not so much for material things, but to help myself, my family, my friends and even trangers). Mmmm.... X_X; I'd love to say "silly" and "cliche" things like "no more wars" but really, with something like that, imagine the cost? And I think there needs to be some evil for good to balance out - so... X-x I don't know, I think too much of the loopholes and costs. So I'm stumped at the money one - even though I know i've answered such a question before. I'm stumped ._. Since money would really help people I know get them at least a bump-start in the path (college or apartments or... whatever)...

What kinds of roles (e.g. devil's advocate, comedian, silent observer) do you play now in your life with whom? Silent observer of those, I suppose. In crowds I pay attention - watch, listen, reply when needed. At home I may be more likely to voice my opinion or spit something out be it loud or otherwise. Dreamy - staring off into space and thinking of things (creating things..) or what not. Mmm the advisor/helper... The support-team... go team friends go! Stuff like that, I suppose? ^^;
Do you or did you roleplay or act? If so, what kinds of characters and stories do/did you depict? Mmmm yeah. I've roleplayed online if that counts - the characters... I guess... some of them shared some traits with me... while others were more (an extreme version) of someone I'd want to be (more outgoing, more confident, stuff like that). Mmm characters I portrayed in things concerning acting -- typically bubbly or outgoing, I suppose. So ones that aren't necessarily me, but sometimes an extreme of who I'd like to be. And the stories were usually more fantasy and less realistic (or if it did touch in realism, it still had it's touch of fantasy and magic)?
What are your goals for the future? What do you strive to be? Deja vu. To grow. To be in a career where I'm happy -- or at least have it as a second-sort of thing (such as writing or acting -- or graphic-making somehow). To be a better person.... To grow with what I enjoy (writing, drawing, coding, acting - etc etc) and become good at it if not great.
What legacy would you like to leave behind? I want to be remembered. I want people who know me to remember me as someone who helped them and if I didn't understand them, I at least tried to. I want strangers to look at me as an inspirator. If not for what I created then the fact that I did it. I'd like to have opened people's minds and also to have a family of my own.... And yeah >.>; good enough?

Life Related
What is your general temperament? Mmm, I'unno. Fairly calm until triggered into something? X-x I suppose I'm typically calm or moody (calm in general, moody when around family?) XD And yeah? ^^;;? Or starting off calm and then snap moody? >_>;; (Not sure how else to describe it. "Moody" isn't right, but as close as i can get at the moment).
How are you protected, and how do you protect? If push comes to shove, I push back, when necessary, but yeah. Uhm. I protect others in the sense of doing what I can to help them and comfort them and want to keep them safe. I've never really been put in many situations where I'm actually around WHEN someone is in the need of protecting, so I typically am there in the aftermath or the prior of such things? Though, when there, I suppose I can be fierce in the rawr-hiss-growl-will-want-to-rip-you-apart? And more with words than actual fists - as I've yet to actually be involved in a fist-fight. So. I suppose I protect with comfort and fierceness? And I'm protected... uhm... My mom used to be fiercly over-protective of her children/me but... And *I* can be pretty motherly to everyone around me and have been called as such, but... I don't know? ^^; I don't know how to answer this, sorry.
How do you feel about the things about your life you have no control over, if any? How do you feel fortunate? How do you feel cursed? I hate when I've no control over certain things in my life. Especially if I feel I should. I'unno. I mean I just prefer having control over things, but because I'll sometimes just sit back and not take it even when I can (my own fault) I get more "rawr"? XD Mmm, I'm fortunate with the mother I have and certain people in my life... the roof over my head - the stuff that I am fortunate and thankful for. And cursed in many ways, I feel, that stem from my own paranoia or reluctance or over-sensitivity... Such as letting things happen to me (that I wouldn't let happen to others, if I could help it) and what have you?

Princess Tutu Related
You've discovered you have a tragic fate. Accept that fate and find happiness in the tragedy, or defy that fate and find glory, amid conflict and pain?
Oh. Jeez. X__X!
I'd like to say I'd defy it if I wanted my own - like I said with the "control" question. I'd like to say I'd fight and go for what I prefer to happen. However, I would also take into consideration those around me. Does my "tragic fate" bring about someone else's happiness? And who? And how? Does my "tragic fate" have a chance to be fought and STILL bring someone else their happness? And, I can go ahead with my own comflict and pain if necessary, but it's the effect of others around me that I'd be concerned for...
It really depends on what it is -- what happens? Who it involves. Yes, I want to be happy and all, but in the same sense, I don't want to just "accept" something that's not so great. No one deserves an unhappy ending, right? While I'm more prone to keeping others have their "happy ending" I want mine too...
But, I don't want to spend all effort and such to the point that in the end, defying my fate would leave me even more miserable despite overcoming it.
Still, if it doesn't affect anyone but me I might be more likely to fight it if I have a preference of the other and... it really does depend on would my fighting it - personally - bring about more trouble for others? Or ... yeah >_>;

Here we go - I've no real answer as it would really do a lot of depending - or you've picked up on my answer despite my jumbled ramble? ^_~

Rate these in importance and explain: loving oneself, loving everyone, loving one person the most
fdjasl If I may go off topic for a moment. This question made me think of an episode of Boy Meets World. And a quote included :
Lose One Friend.
Lose All Friends.
Lose yourself

Good question.
I think it's very important to love yourself because without that, how can you properly love others? However, just because I state that doesn't mean that's how I am. As despite my feeling that should come first in order to love others (such as help yourself so you can help others) -- I put it for myself last. So, I rate it important as number one, but I treat it for myself as the very last.

Then, loving everyone. You can open your heart, your feelings, your mind, your soul ---

--and in result can love your "one person" the most.

How I work, though, might be "loving everyone" then "loving one person" then "myself" perhaps....

So yes ^^'

Links to 3 apps you voted on (update as you go on): x + x + x
Anything else? Just explain why you make your choice, please? Though this community is good at that ^^'

!storyrolethemestamped, the prince who lost his heart

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