Name: Mango [we'll just use my nickname kay~ :D]
Age: between 17-300
Gender: Female
From a scale of 1-10 (1 is left trait, 10 is right trait), and why:
Optimistic/Pessimistic? [2] I'm mostly an optimist. I generally try to find the good in all people and try to enjoy life as much as possible. I can generally turn any frown into a smile [or i will piss you off with my happiness. XD] I do however, have a tendency to be a bit pessimistic at times. But hey, who doesn't get sad once in a while?
Altrusitic/Selfish? [9] I admit, I'm a greedy hog. I try to think of other's feelings, but for the most part the world revolves around my needs.... -_-' Bad habbit that I'm trying to break. It has gotten better though~
Idealistic/Cynical? [2] Simply put, if you ever meet me in real life the thing I say the most is, "Idealy..." I wish everything was fair and just. Idealy we would have gay rights pass because all people are created equal... but hey, I'm not in politics so whatever. XD
Aggressive/Submissive? [10] I'm soooooooo submissive. Just ask anyone. It's part of my laid back nature. I try to let people use creative judgement on things... Plus I tend to fear people of higher ranking, thus I end up becoming kind-of-like a puppy.
In the spotlight/In the background? [10] I hate being in the spotlight. I mean, I can, but I won't enjoy it... However, there are exceptions. When not 'in the spotlight' I like being backstage and showing off certain skills... XD So it's like being in the spotlight... in the background, if that makes any sense at all.
Forthright/Indirect? [1] So direct that it's not funny. If I have a problem with you, I will tell you. I know it sounds really bad, but yes I'm brutally honest. I don't mean it intentionally. I just have a hard time lying or going around the circle.
Someone that stabilizes the world/Someone that changes the world? [5] I love both. Stabilizing the world would be awesome and yet, without the fights and constant changes we would have nothing to stabilize. It would be awesome, though, if we could all compromise once in a while and not have wars.... Mango hates wars~
Did you ever play make believe when you were younger? If so, what kinds of characters did you play, in what kind of stories? Yes; I played Sailor Scouts when I was in fourth grade... It was a popular show and I always wanted to be a sailor scout and run around to save the world~ :D
What's your favorite fairy tale and why? The Little Mermaid or Mulan... Love Disney... Anyhow, I love both stories because they both work for their happy endings. They aren't given to them on a 'silver platter' when some prince happens to walk by and see them. Mostly I like Mulan just because she's awesome and partially unknown.
If you found a genie and his magic lamp and he offered you three wishes, what would they be and why? Hmm... Endless riches would be in there somewhere simply because I'm an expensive person... I enjoy traveling and having the latest high tech stuff and manga... which btw, costs a fortune. ;_; I would also wish for eternal youth/beauty... simply because asians... as the way I've known it... They all look 20 until they reach about 50 then they look about 90. ;_; I dunno what I would do with the last one... hmm... XD Magical powers maybe?
What kinds of roles (e.g. devil's advocate, comedian, silent observer) do you play now in your life with whom? I would have to say a combination of the comedian and the silent observer... I tend to like to just watch things as they progres and crack jokes about it in the mean time. However, I do also have a tendency to find myself playing the main character as I am the one being yelled at for something stupid and then having to try to fix it.
Do you or did you roleplay or act? If so, what kinds of characters and stories do/did you depict? No acting or role playing.... sorry~
What are your goals for the future? What do you strive to be? I want to be a computer science major or graphic design.... but currently [due to parental units controlling the tuition money] I'm probably going to end up majoring in Biology and becoming a scientist or forensic scientist. Which by far is awesome too~
What legacy would you like to leave behind? As the last day of senior year approaches I keep wondering that. I wanted to drive a motorcycle through my school, but I realized that it would damage the 100 year old building... Though I guess I already did that when I broke the window in my school. xD historic landmark =/= good place to break a window. LOL.
Life Related
What is your general temperament? Laid back~ generally. XD
How are you protected, and how do you protect? I am protected by the people I know. I guess... I hide behind my books and computers and my friends... I dont really protect, but rather if something gets out of hand I attack from behind.
How do you feel about the things about your life you have no control over, if any? How do you feel fortunate? How do you feel cursed? Let everything take it's course and the storm will pass. Nothing goes on forever, but if you keep making everything seem like such a big deal then you will hurt yourself in the long run.
Princess Tutu Related
You've discovered you have a tragic fate. Accept that fate and find happiness in the tragedy, or defy that fate and find glory, amid conflict and pain? I would probably try to defy the fate first. I'd prefer not to have a tragic ending, but after trying and giving up I might just be happy with the tragedy.
Rate these in importance and explain: loving oneself, loving everyone, loving one person the most love everyone, love one person the most, love onself. if you don't like everyone, how can you like yourself or the one person~ loving one person would be important because no person is an island. we all need someone to lean on. loving oneself is important, but one can always do without it.
Links to 3 apps you voted on (update as you go on): else?nope~