Stamped; Love Match Theme

Feb 18, 2008 13:06

Name: Tomoyo Ichijouji
Age: I'm in college
Gender: ♀

Describe yourself (physical appearance): very long dark straight hair, fairly tall, purple-rimmed glasses, slim, usually plain clothing e.g. jeans and a sweater or turtleneck
Your personality in a nutshell (your key traits): curious, enthusiastic, outgoing, sensitive, contemplative
Likes: fascinating stories (fictional or factual), science & technology (and knowledge in general), sparkly things, pretty soundtracks, bubbles, feedback on my work XP, landscapes, kindness
Dislikes: death, cruelty, meanheartedness, smut, mushy romance stories, gory horror movies, pretentious works (writing, movies, art etc.), dogma (religious or otherwise), STRESS D:
Hobbies/Talents: Apparently, I can write well and come up with very unusual ideas for stories. I also apparently have a very expressive voice with which I can make lots of different voices and tell stories. I also seem to be very good with kids, although I don't consider myself motherly at all (more childlike, actually). And a really random one: I can imitate quotes from various animated movies (e.g. Disney) that I've watched several times word-for-word, intonations and all. o_O
Your pet peeves: Getting sick (booooo! DX), noisy neighbors (especially when I'm having difficulty sleeping >_<), obsessive shipping ^^;;, carelessness, filth
Your priorities in life: I want to get a steady job I enjoy doing that will keep me afloat without stressing me out, and once I'm all set there, then....I can go frolic about with my imagination and write those stories that have been impatiently waiting to be told. XD And perhaps, I might find a few people who might share my visions and we could work together on our goals. :)

Love-love-zura! ♥
First off, why are you filling out this application? Uh...1) I was bored. 2) I was curious. 3) I've done all the themes up until now and I didn't feel like breaking the streak? ^^;; Oh, and idea of the best companionship is a bestest best friend, who'd stick with you through thick and thin. No lovey-dovey-ness for me! :P Given that, I really wonder who people would vote for since they need to vote for someone! >:D

Let's face it. We all have that fantasy of what our ideal partners would be like. does your dream partner look like (physical appearance)? It's rare to find guys with long hair that look good, so when I do I appreciate it. XP Probably someone slim; bulging muscles aren't really my thing. And CLEAN and neat. (And actually I don't mind if they look androgynous; pretty boys are cool! :D *is shot* well, why else do you think I have Ichijouji as my alias surname? :D )

What are you looking for (or what do you love, if you're already attached) in your significant other? Earnestness. I'm one of the most forthright people I know and to be a very close friend of mine you'd probably need to be as honest. Kind and compassionate, but at the same time courageous; of the guys I know, some of the nice ones also can end up being kinda....wimpy. ^^;; Should also be willing to be gung-ho sometimes, like volunteering to march right up on the stage with me and do a karaoke duet just because! ('s a song of a show we both adore) XD Oh, and almost forgot -- intelligence and education. If I start going on about the mechanism of refraction and why it makes the sky blue, or if I launch into a discussion about the ethics of cloning, if he starts zoning out I think we're going to bore the heck out of each other. :P

What turns you off/what aren't you looking for you in your signficant other? A strong libido. Someone for whom that's an important part of a relationship doesn't belong with me. It would just make both of us very unhappy. :( Also, lack of cleanliness and organization. A shifty or flirtatious personality. If we can't get things done together, then I'm going to be pretty pissed off at him.

Do you believe in love at first sight? o_O How do you love someone you don't even know? Oh, that's right. Celebrity worship. XP Or pheromones, of course.

How would you describe your views on love? In society it's grossly blown out of proportion. The kind of love that means a lot to me is the feeling of caring about people, being able to be open with those close to you, and also being able to share the happy times together. I have yet to see romantic love that appeals to me more than that. And also, love seems waaaaaaay too sexualized nowdays. -_-

How would you behave on your first date? I probably wouldn't even think of it as a date. XD We'd go out to a great movie that we've heard about, or perhaps a theme park where we'd go on all the roller coasters together -- in the front. XD I'd do this with any close friend (who likes roller coasters anyway), and that's how we'd act towards each other. It would be so fun. XD

How do you view Valentine's Day in general? A holiday where people have an excuse to shower each other with latent affection. XD Well, the only thing is that this one emphasizes that of romantic couples, but it seems like friends have enough fun with it anyway. Too bad I'm too busy most of the time to really do much. XP

What would be your 'happily ever after'? In a fairytale, we'd go riding off, fellow pioneers, exploring new worlds, discovering unknown wonders and going into infinity and beyond!! XD ...Well, that would be the story version. I suppose in real life we'd find a good place in Silicon Valley (my homeland~~~), do our jobs, watch good movies and anime, headdesk over tax returns XP, go with him and my other friends to anime conventions (and if it were possible we'd cosplay together XD ) Ah, you know, in general learn new things every day and have fun doing it. ^_^

Just for kicks!
Your favorite pairing in Princess Tutu: In all honesty? Ahiru & Fakir together are the cutest thing ^_^ But I avoid fandom shipping like the plague. Shipping gets on my nerves (as listed above) ^^;; There are many other ways to think about it other than romantically! I = not a romance fan -_-
Your least favorite pairing: Fakir and Rue as a couple doesn't really make much sense to me.
Your favorite crack!pairing (if any): Autor/Fakir seems funny for crack. XD

Gender preference for your stamping options? (M, F, both) Both. More options is better. :P (If I get a girl, I have an excuse to imagine a male version of them. XP )
Anything else? Ooops, almost forgot this section...I guess I mentioned everything I wanted to already? :P
Your 3 vote links (edit as you go on): But even if the two of us should be separated, I will change the world. (Anybody recognize the lyrics? ;D )

!lovematchthemestamped, match!princesiegfried

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