Nov 22, 2004 14:39
Let me start by saying my foot's asleep.
Things that made me happy this weekend:
~learning to knit
~yarn shopping
~successfully finding the way to and from Walmart
~hashbrowns @ the butt
~talking to my mommy for 1 consecutive hour
~possibly going to Guatamala or Diminican Republic
~flute choir concert
~going home soon
~having quality bonding weekend w/Christina
~Gray school in general had an awsome oireachtas
So I learned how to knit and I am in love with it. I had my first yarn shopping experience and it was really exciting...I am offically the hugest dork I know. It reminded me of Caitlin and Alana since they always knit last year and now I's amazing. The most relaxing thing I've done in a while is knit while listening to the Silent Steeples cd...everyone should do this once before they die. I almost forgot how much I love Dispatch...they're amazing! it's all I listened to this summer but not since go out and knit and listen to Silent Steeples!
So since Friday I have been on a Christina-a-thon, we had a really fun weekend. We made it to Walmart and back without getting lost with lost of really hot singing and one vibrating scare. We knitted, had hash browns this really doesn't sound like fun but I guess you had to be there b/c we had a good weekend.
New England Oireachtas was this I thought I'd be miserable and depressed, but I wasn't. I really wish I could have danced in it or at least been there to watch but I wasn't . Everyone did so well though. Christina is my hero, she finally got her well deserved 1st! so many others qualified for worlds and had 1st time re-calls. I can't wait to vist the studio during winter break. I need to get into shape before I do though...there's a potentially embaressing situation waiting to happen.
I'm going home tomorrow night! I get to see my family and hopefully friends that it feels like I haven't seen in forever.
Well class calls....