Dec 18, 2006 05:42
Thursday night we lost power due to the storm we had that night. I actually saw the tree fall onto our power lines. It happened fairly soon after the storm started so I says to myself "Good, Now we should be one of the first ones to get power back...." We got our power back this mornig. What's today? Oh yeah, Fracking SUNDAY!! That alone would not have been so bad except that we leave for Buffalo NY. Tommorrow morning and apperently clean clothes are a most when traveling. I looked it up. Anywho, we (as in Alisa) found out that I will not be in the same plane as my family in either lag of the trip. Makes for a grumpy wife who has to spend a whole day with a 5 year old entertained inside a tube. At least she'll have Tommy to help. We're looking forward to Tuesday....