Sorry for the long wait :) I've thrown together a poll (well, series of polls XD) to take fandom's temperature on participating in my previously suggested group-watching party :D Please participate so I can get a good idea of who's showing up!
Poll TxN 7th Anniversary Viewing Party! Most of the polls provide MULTIPLE choices for you to choose, so please choose your TOP THREE to give us a range of choices :D I hope the 19th/20th are okay with everyone! It seemed the only weekend suitable based on the previous comments.
Also, please note the times are TOKYO times, so you'll have to figure out what they are where you live! I'll be sure to update everyone with the final times when we decide on them.
Also also, if you have some reason you CANNOT participate at one of the times, please post in a comment here; I'll try and stay away from times where a bunch of people definitely can't make it ^^;
Also also also: the Year 7 essay is finished :D More or less. We'll see if the guys throw us any more curveballs like
a fucking date in the next two weeks :P