Title: Matter of Time
Author: Innusiq
Rating: PG - totally work safe
Pairing(s): TutixNagayan
Summary: First Date
Notes: I originally planned on participating in the
30_dates challenge community, but instead decided to just use the prompts and work at my own pace.
Matter of Time )
Anyway, this story is so much LOVE. I had this big grin on my face the whole time, and I was squeeing, and fangirling, and all waii!!! and GAH *wibbles*
"Kind of like a date," Takashi repeats, teasing. "But not a real date?"
Tuti's eyes widen and the color drains from his face. "No! No, no, this is a date, a real date."
"Good, because if that's the case, there is no way I am paying for dinner tonight," Takashi replies, and smiles sweetly before looking back down at the menu in front of him.
I can just SEE that! My head was actually making references on how Kikumaru had trouble with his 2 kouhai always leeching on him for free meals. haha ^^
I actually thought this had a bleachmyu setting, what with the bankai live backstage having the cast in a restaurant with nagayan and tuti sort of HOSTING something and nagayan was wearing pink(obviously I didn't notice soon enough the date you posted this ^^;;), but I was really happy to find out this was set during the good old tenimyu days :D
I'm off to read the second chapter now, and I do hope you write the remaining 28 more!! ^^
*showers you with love*
Thank you for reading and taking a moment to comment. I've been kind of lost my inspiration to write in general over the last three months due to RL, but after a) obtaining Nagayan's On and Off and b) viewing the Bleach Live... I found a little inspiration.
I really have enjoyed this pairing terribly... probably too much... ah well. My goal is to write through the remaining 28 or so prompts. Each may not encompass an actual date, but they will (hopefully) all be connected.
Again, thank you :)
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