good times at UNH

Sep 27, 2004 01:13

This past weekend was a lot of fun despite the impending doom. for those of you playing the home game, i have a test monday tuesday and wednesday of this week. So come wednesday evening i am gonna hate life so bad. But be very happy. I spent the evening friday playing beruit and watching movies with friends. that was a much needed break. I got pulled out to a few random parties and had lots of fun. I met a bunch of really cool people and had a great time

Saturday was fun, i just lounged around and did readings ffor the impending doom and relaxed more. I walked over to Sakket and grabbed people for another evenings drinking and fun.

Today i got up, did more work, and then made dinner for the family. Beef stew and lasagna. holy fuck it was amazing. It felt particularly good because of all the fun and laughs i had after dinner. Me, Irish, Lemelin, Jonny B, Hannah, Erin, and my roommate sat around telling stories and joke s and having a grand ole time. Thats definately why i keep having dinners and working so hard. This is what i needed so bad in past years that i didnt have. and i am so happy to have found it now.

My work is mostly done , but i wanted to post something here to say hello to everyone before bed. I am gonna try and keeep this more up to date from now on since i have so little time to see and talk to people regularly.

I am going to baltimore with my brother this coming weekend so I will be gone, but after that i am free for suggestions and ideas. And if you weant to spend time with me this week make plans with me from wednesday night to thursday night because other than those two days i am so busy it makes my mind burn.

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