6 minutes : 53 seconds --- One mile.

Apr 26, 2004 21:23

Been a long time since I posted. Life has been treating me well enough. I got sick for a while, but have since kicked it and am back on the plan. Running again feels very good. I am Continuing to lose weight. I have lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks. I feel really good, and I am finding my clothes getting looser and looser. Warner, thanks for the belt. I am gonna need it. Tutoring is going very well, and the kids seem to all love me. Life is good in Acton.
But I am still looking forward to going back to school. I am waiting on the re-admission acceptance letter for the university so i can move into the next phase of my life. It sucks waiting on one piece of paper that can alter the course of my whole life... again. I am making some reall nice alterations to me body. Losing weight, learning to dress myself better than just jeans and a T. I am swaying between letting my hair grow again (not too long this time, and yes i actually plan on taking care of it. ass.) and getting it cut wicked short again. your input is welcome. And, when i do get out of here to wherever I am going, i plan on getting some form of a body mod. Either some ink or another piercing(s). You are welcome to toss out suggestions as per this also.
till next post. peace
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