(no subject)

Dec 02, 2003 03:48

ME: you ever notice how the emergency broadcast system is tested at like 3 am when no one is wathcing TV?

SHE: uh, no I don't think I've ever watched TV at 3 a.m. actually
ME: yeah
ME: its wierd
ME: and to make it even better
ME: all the chanels do it at the same time
SHE: *blink* really?
ME: yup
SHE: that is weird
ME: all of em
SHE: oh well I guess it is a national system
ME its "a coordinated test"
ME: yeah
SHE: they probably get less bitching if they do it at 3 a.m. than, say, during primetime :-)
ME: yeah'
ME: but can you imagine like.. being in the middle of sleeping with your wife/lover and hearing this annoying screaching sound
ME: it would totaly kill the mood
SHE: who goes to sleep with the TV on after sex??
ME: thats prolly why
SHE: that would be the epitome of classless. You're probably right.
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