I'm going to Denali in two weeks and I'm quite exited. I have only been to one concert this whole school year because I've been so busy with school, plus, more importantly, i have had no mula. I also got a press pass for the show so i can take pics of Denali...Bottom of the Hill does not have much of a stage area, so i don't know how different my access will be from the rest of the peeps at the show, but whateva, im exited, i wanna make prints in photo of denali, to add to my photo collection.
I've never had a Valentine on Valentine's day, it sucks...and this weekend will suck...some of my friends are off to vegas. I think im just gonna tag along with Katie and Eddie while they're together on V-day, but not really, ill just go to the partay with them, then let them be on their own...or maybe i wont go...i don't know..i just wish i had a valentine to share the day with...to make out with..and so on.