What's With the Bathtubs,
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Regular readers of this blog know that we get some pretty odd questions at the Reference Desk, but we try to find the answers regardless of what the question is or why the person wants to know.
Today's question: what's with the people in the bathtubs at the end of every Cialis TV ad? Googling the phrase "bathtubs Cialis" turns up 2,570,000 hits - which made us realize that many people are concerned about this issue. Some of the comments online were quite creative in trying to find a reason for the bathtubs image, but we wanted the real reason from the horses mouth. So I called the helpline of Lilly, the drug company that makes Cialis. I stated the question explaining that I am a librarian and people really want to know the answer. Without skipping a beat, the operator answered,
"It's up to the interpretation of the viewer."
Period. End of story, though not unkindly. I asked her if she gets this question often since her answer was so quick and do I dare say, firm?
"Sometimes," she politely said.
I asked if Lilly would ever let the ad's creative person be interviewed or release a statement about the bathtub meaning and she said again,
"It's up to the interpretation of the viewer."
I pleaded a bit more for enlightenment, but feeling that no more information was forthcoming and wanting to end the conversation on an up note, we thanked each other and hung up.
So there you have it.
Anyone's guess is as good as anyone elses in this case. Like art, it's open to interpretation is the company's claim.