Пришли другие времена

Jun 28, 2015 12:30

Раньше словосочетание "русские националисты" означало маргиналов с Манежки, но никому и в голову бы не пришло говорить так об официальной российской власти или о россиянах в целом. Теперь не так. Ср. с "американцы заявили, что ....", "немецкие фашисты напали на СССР" - обычно это означает позицию или действия соответствующего государства в лице его официальных лиц и их подчиненных.


Вчера российские националисты выступили с утверждениями, ....

Леонид Слуцкий, глава комитета Госдумы по евразийской интеграции, заявил: "...".

Прокремлевский аналитик Сергей Марков сказал: "...".

Оригинал тут.

Полностью тут.
Russia says west stirring revolution in Armenia.

June 26, 2015   CauCasus, Black Sea Basin, World, Wekly Flash, Slide, Armenia, Economic and Finanace,Energy, Political, Russia, Ukraine   No comments

Thousands of Armenians have joined protests over rising electricity prices

June 26 2015

By Nick Holdsworth

Russian nationalists claimed yesterday that western governments were working behind the scenes to foment revolution in the pro-Moscow state of Armenia.
The charges follow heavy-handed police measures trying to halt seven days of popular protest about rising electricity prices.
Demonstrators in the capital Yerevan initially protested against a 16 per cent increase in the cost of electricity, supplied by a national monopoly owned by a Russian state company.

Leonid Slutsky, the head of the Duma Committee on Eurasian integration, said: “Opposition leaders called people into the streets, and, alas, it is clear that you can see the trail leading to the foreign instructors.”

The pro-Kremlin analyst Sergei Markov said: “Probably there are many fighters from Ukraine and sent it from some foreign headquarters. Now the main task of the organizers - the bloodshed.”

But the demonstrators themselves said that protesting only against the economic crisis. “No we have no control over either the West or the East, - says Yeghia Nersesyan, photographer and organizer of the protests. - We take care of themselves.”

According to the newspaper, apparently, the demonstrators did not intend to retreat.

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