
Jun 28, 2011 01:12

Sometimes I wish I could use the delete button on you.
I wish that, but then I realize that's a bit extreme.
I don't want to delete you completely.
I just want to delete you sometimes.
I want to put you in my recycle bin.
Making sure not to right click, empty recycle bin.
I don't want you gone forever.
Just for long periods of time.
So really I want to cut and paste you someplace else.
So that you aren't deleted for good, just far away from me at that point.
But then the delete button feels less extreme after I think about how you'll make your way back.
Back from wherever I pasted you at.
The delete button sounds less extreme now.
If I delete you, I can just go into my recycle bin, right click, restore.
Then there you'll be.
That seems selfish on my part.
It is selfish on my part.
But I don't mind.
I sometimes wish I could right click and copy everyone, but you.
So when they leave I can paste them near me.
I know none of this is possible, but I would love it.

I was deleting my friends things on facebook whenever she posted something, and deleting stuff reminded me of what I was going to write about a few days ago. :)
And NO this is NOT about a certain person who gets vain and thinks things are about then when I write stuff *coughlinncough* :) I'm not explaining to anyone who it's about, so don't ask.
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