Scammer Roseline

Sep 08, 2006 09:25

I'm gonna go ahead and post what I have from the previous internet scam artist who uses the name "Roseline". I don't think I'll hear back from her. If you happen to be interested in reading these, here is my previous entry on "her":

Anyhow, here's what I have with Roseline:

My emails are in bold, the scammer's is in italics......


I hope everything is alright, as I have not heard from
you in several days. I have good news, though! I
convinced my grandmother to loan me ALL of the
necessary money that I need to pay for the fees!
Please tell me where I need to send the money to as
soon as possible. When I have that information, I
will get the money from my grandmother and I will send
it to you immediately.


Dear Steve,

You can send the money through western union or money gram with the
following information so that my secretary can confirm the receipt of
payment with the western union office.
Here is the name of my secretary use it to send the money to my


As soon as you send the money let me know so that I can follow up with
the notarization and your payment with the bank.

I will be in the office waiting to receive the western union
information from you.
We await your response.
Yours sincerely,
Roseline Obaseki (Esq.

Ok, I did it. There is a convenience store about 2
blocks away from here that has a Western Union office.
It's odd, because the only people that I noticed
using it looked foreign, perhaps Canadians. Even the
clerk had a funny accent. I think he might have been
from Brooklyn, or maybe Vermont. At any rate,
instead of sending $296.50, I sent you $325. The
extra money is just for you because you have been so
nice to me. You can use it to buy some bananas or
lingerie or something. I really mean the things I
said to you over email. The guy who was working at
the office, Abdul, helped me with the whole process,
because I have never used Western Union before. He
told me that I have to tell you this special 10 digit


Abdul said that the rest will be up to you and that
you just need to supply the Western Union office in
your area of that number and they will give you the
money. Please let me know as soon as possible that
you have received the money.

With love,

Dear Steve,

I have just received information from my secretary that the bank will
need text question and answer to process the transaction. Please get
back to me with this information. I will be in the office waiting to hear
from you, so that I can pass the information my secretary.
Waiting for your response.
Yours sincerely,
Roseline Obaseki (Esq.

NB: the secret question and answer should be on the western union slip
with you.

Hi Roseline,

My apologies, I did not realize that you needed the
secret question and answer. I thought it was only for
me. I'm almost embarassed to tell you what I wrote as
the question and the answer, but since it is too late
for me to change them with Western Union, here it is:

Question: Where do you enjoy it?
Answer: The anus.

Please let me know when you are in receipt of the
money as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Dear Steve,

I have just received information that the transaction is not valid.Can
you have the western union receipt scan and send to me by email
Yours Faithfully,
Roseline Obaseki

Dear Steven,

I am waiting for your response, it is getting late here and i have to
leave the office.
I want you to forward the w/u recipt to me by email attachment.
Yours Faithfully,
Roseline Obaseki

Sorry, Abdul at the Western Union office did not
provide me with a receipt. I walked back to the store
where he works and demanded an explanation as to what
happened. It appears that it might have been my
error. I mis-typed one of the numbers in the 10 digit
code I sent you. The correct 10 digit code is:


Again, my apologies. The secret question and answer
will obviously remain the same. I just want you to
know, though, that even though the answer and question
sound totally gay, I am not gay. I've only had 3
homosexual encounters in all my life, so I hardly
think that constitutes me being gay. But please, let
me know as soon as you have receipt of the Western
Union money so that I can obtain my award. Thanks.

Dear Steven,
I just got the information now, i will forward it to the desk of my
secretary and ask her to proceed to the w/u office.Hopefully if she picks
up the fund today, i will proceed to the bank after procuring your
affidavit to follow up with your payment.
Yours Faithfully,
Roseline Obaseki (Mrs.)

Did it work? Did you get the money? I hardly slept
at all last night because of my excitement. Please
let me know as soon as possible about the receipt of
the money and what the next step in receiving my award


scam artist

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