This is gonna seem totally random (I found your "Mild-Mannered-Shipper" banners from capslock_atla and it kind of went from there) and I know you're probably going to be really wigged out that some random chick is commenting on your post.
The thing is, something very, very similar happened to me. Granted, my parents aren't divorced, but their income combined should top six figures -- until you factor in all the debt. I played by all the rules, I worked myself to a complete nervous breakdown over the four years of high school, I took the ACT five times, I took the SAT, I submitted the papers and emailed the schools and even, at one point, called upon a friend on LJ who knew someone who worked at one of the schools to please help me get things worked out.
I ended up at a low-level school in a crappy town in the middle of nowhere, majoring in something I had no desire to do, and eventually had to withdraw after only a year and a half because it all just sucked. So, yeah -- you're most certainly not alone.
(Granted, that was like the worst pep talk in the known universe, but bear with me.)
The thing is, even though it kind of sucked balls, it did turn out to be good in a lot of ways, and I don't regret going. I know how it feels to sit there and tell yourself "I'm okay with this. It's all gonna work out. This is a good thing" until you could just die, and the bitterness is awful to try and work through, but it does get better.
Just... hang in there. I've seen you around and you seem like a really cool person, and I was going somewhere with that but I don't really know where so. Good luck!
Friending is cool, I don't mind creepers. I rather like them, in fact. I think I only have two friends on here who have ever met me irl and only AFTER we met online, and so I tend to keep it that way. If that makes sense O_o; Not that I don't love my friends irl it's just I try to seperate the two pretty hard for lj. mostly because once in a blue moon I write pron and that's just awkward Yeha idk.
I'm nervous/excited and whatnot but also the entire entry of "BLEH" so I hope I go with good feelings. If it's bad, I'll transfer home because instate is cheapish, but someone asked me if I'd ever forgive myself for not at least trying this other school that accepted me out of state. It's a one-time shot, so I had to go with it.
It's not a bad school, it's just not the one I thought was going to be perfect for me. And I've never been before, so... things will be up and down, I imagine. Some days I feel okay about this, and some days I really don't, haha.
My dad's income does hit six figures, but there's just a huge mess of debt. And my mom's job right now is school crossing guard, which doesn't really earn much at ALL.
If you don't mind me asking what school that was? I don't mind sharing either but idk :x you don't have to xD;
I understand. I've got a couple of irl friends on my LJ, but that's because they're into fandom too, so it's not so awkward.
It was Troy University, which is about an hour south of Montgomery, AL. I mean, the school itself wasn't so bad (although the town was awful), it was just all wrong for me.
The thing is, something very, very similar happened to me. Granted, my parents aren't divorced, but their income combined should top six figures -- until you factor in all the debt. I played by all the rules, I worked myself to a complete nervous breakdown over the four years of high school, I took the ACT five times, I took the SAT, I submitted the papers and emailed the schools and even, at one point, called upon a friend on LJ who knew someone who worked at one of the schools to please help me get things worked out.
I ended up at a low-level school in a crappy town in the middle of nowhere, majoring in something I had no desire to do, and eventually had to withdraw after only a year and a half because it all just sucked. So, yeah -- you're most certainly not alone.
(Granted, that was like the worst pep talk in the known universe, but bear with me.)
The thing is, even though it kind of sucked balls, it did turn out to be good in a lot of ways, and I don't regret going. I know how it feels to sit there and tell yourself "I'm okay with this. It's all gonna work out. This is a good thing" until you could just die, and the bitterness is awful to try and work through, but it does get better.
Just... hang in there. I've seen you around and you seem like a really cool person, and I was going somewhere with that but I don't really know where so. Good luck!
Friends? So I don't feel like such a creeper?
I'm nervous/excited and whatnot but also the entire entry of "BLEH" so I hope I go with good feelings. If it's bad, I'll transfer home because instate is cheapish, but someone asked me if I'd ever forgive myself for not at least trying this other school that accepted me out of state. It's a one-time shot, so I had to go with it.
It's not a bad school, it's just not the one I thought was going to be perfect for me. And I've never been before, so... things will be up and down, I imagine. Some days I feel okay about this, and some days I really don't, haha.
My dad's income does hit six figures, but there's just a huge mess of debt. And my mom's job right now is school crossing guard, which doesn't really earn much at ALL.
If you don't mind me asking what school that was? I don't mind sharing either but idk :x you don't have to xD;
It was Troy University, which is about an hour south of Montgomery, AL. I mean, the school itself wasn't so bad (although the town was awful), it was just all wrong for me.
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