turtleyurtle1: My friend called me racist, over my posting a note on facebook about white privilege.
Mom: O_o What? How does that make sense?
turtleyurtle1: It doesn't. It's not even that he missed the point. Or that it went over his head.
Or that it just went in one ear and out the other. He didn't just miss the train of thought.
Hell, he didn't buy a ticket, because he didn't know a train existed. He was using a boat the whole time,
and that is why he didn't get it. You can't get anywhere when your thought boat is on land, and you missed
the thought train, and the information memo in your inbox and then ignored the point as it flew past you,
waving and shouting "Hello!" down at you. A few times, the point showed up at his front door, pushed him
into a chair and did a rather risque shimmy in front of him, and then it mooned him before leaving, and he
still wondered to himself What the hell anyone was talking about when they said he didn't get it. The point
would've bit him on the butt if it could have, but even points have dignity, and so it had to go home and
wonder to itself how often would people miss it entirely?
It is a very lonely life, being a point, because most people will never see you, and treat you like you are
invisible, or like you are just a complaint, and not a point. And this makes most points very hurt. As with
family, and overstayed guests, no one seems to like points so much as when they have been missed.