Ice Water

Apr 02, 2009 12:08

Ice Water
Summary:  Justin is trying to be his persuasive little self again.
A/N:  Written for the 
queensoftarts April challenge...water. Thanks for waking the muse!
Disclaimer: I own nothing...just having a little fun!

A/N2: Some of you may not know, but there are charity events held in the cold months (mainly winter) where you go to the local lake and jump in.  Yes..this is real! is crazy!!!
“I told you Justin.  I’m not fucking joining you on your absurd little foray!” Brian scoffed from his seat on the couch.

“Oh come on.  It’s for a good cause and really, it’s not that bad.”  Justin padded over from the kitchen with a glass of ice water in hand and stood in front of Brian.  “Besides, I can think of a few ways we can warm each other up after.”  He smirked as he straddled the brunette.

“No. Fucking. Way!” Brian protested again.  “You want to be a penguin, you fucking go and be a penguin all by yourself.”

Justin ignored his gripes.  He took a sip of his water and placed it on one of the coasters on the coffee table.  He began to place kisses along Brian’s jaw line.  “But. I. Think. You. Will. Realize. That. It. Will. Be. Beneficial. For. You. To. Participate.”  He said between kisses.  As Justin reached the spot just under his ear, he nipped at the sensitive skin and Brian let out a breathy sigh.
Brian shook his head, as if trying to escape a trance and grabbed Justin, holding him an arm’s length away.

“You are fucking nuts if you think that I’m going swimming in sub-zero water, even if it is for a good cause.  I’m already down one ball.  You think I want my other one to shrink into oblivion?”

“Don’t be so dramatic!” Justin playfully swatted his chest.  “You don’t actually swim.  You just run in to your waist and then run back out.  It happens so fast that it’s done before you know it.”

“Good then pretend I did it and end of story.”  Brian said, grabbing hold of Justin’s ass and pulling him in closer so that their twin erections were rubbing against each other.

“But Brian-” Justin tried to argue but was silenced by hungry lips.

Justin’s lips parted under them, tongue darting out to meet its mate.  Their tongues curled around one another as Brian tangled his fingers in the blonde’s hair.  Justin increased the friction between the two, as he began grinding his hips into Brian’s hard cock.  Brian let out another moan and quickly flipped Justin onto the couch so he was now on his back.  He sat up admiring the boy sprawled out before him, and ran his fingers down Justin’s chest until he came to the hem of his gray T-shirt.  He slowly lifted the soft material, being sure that his fingers just brushed across the pale skin.  Justin shivered a little from the sensation, but then quickly grabbed Brian’s hand to still it. Brian cocked his head slightly in confusion as tried to free his hand to move it again.  Justin held firm.

“What’s the matter?” Brian asked, visibly confused.

“Nothing.”  Justin assured him with a smile.  “I just want to be given the chance to change your mind.”

“What do you have proposed Mr. Taylor?” Brian quirked an eyebrow.  “I’m curious to see how you think you can change my mind.”

Justin sat up quickly and pushed Brian back into the cushions.  “Just get comfortable Mr. Kinney.”  He smirked.

Brian lay there smug, waiting to see what Justin thought he could do.   Justin lowered himself to his knees beside Brian.  He pulled up the hem of Brian’s black shirt and began to place kisses all over his tight abs.  Justin then grabbed his glass of water and took a drink, allowing one of the ice cubes to flow into his mouth.  He held the ice in his mouth as he turned back towards Brian.  He let the cold fill his mouth and pocketed the cube in the side of his mouth.  He bent over and licked a cold line down Brian’s abs until he reached the top of his waistband.

“Jesus!” Brian exclaimed at the sudden change in temperature.  Justin grinned and continued his cunning little plan.

Justin flicked open the button on Brian’s black jeans and slid the zipper down ever so slowly.  He looked into Brian’s eyes, which were now hooded with lust.  Brian lifted his hips slightly so that Justin could remove his pants with little effort.  As Justin pulled the briefs down with the pants, Brian’s hard cock twitched in anticipation.

Justin sucked on the ice still in his cheek, causing the inside of his mouth to go completely numb from the cold.  He moved Brian’s legs so that one hung over the back of the couch, and the other rested so that his foot was on the floor.  He pocketed the melting cube once again, as he spread Brian’s ass cheeks.  Brian’s hole fluttered in anticipation.  Justin dove down and with his flattened tongue, licked a cold wet line from Brian’s hole to his perineum.  Brian flinched at the sensation.  It was unlike anything he had felt before.  Justin continued to lick and swirl around the tight hole a few more times, before breaching it with his frigid tongue.

“FUCK!” Brian yelled at the unbelievable sensation.  He could feel Justin grin against his ass.

Justin fucked Brian with his tongue until the piece of ice melted completely in his mouth.  He then sat up and locked eyes with Brian as he reached for another drink.  Lust covered both of their eyes.  Justin quickly took another piece of ice in his mouth and sucked on it furiously to numb the inside of his mouth once again.  Brian licked his lips as he stared at Justin, anticipating what was to come next.

Justin pocketed the cube as before, just as he leaned in to take Brian’s hard flesh fully in his mouth.  He cupped his balls in one hand, and curled his fingers around the base with the other.  Justin bobbed up and down on the shaft, causing the sensations on Brian’s skin to go from ice cold to warm back to ice cold.  Brian moaned loudly at the staggering sensation.  He couldn’t help his hips from lifting off the cushions, trying to bury his cock deeper into Justin’s mouth.  As Justin continued his movements, Brian reached down and tangled his fingers in Justin’s hair.  He had to touch him.  It was an experience like no other.

Brian could feel the unmistakable sensation of his orgasm coming to a head.  Justin could sense it by the tension developing in his balls.  In just as fast as he had started it, Justin sat back on his heels and stopped.

Brian looked at him with urgency.  “What the fuck did you stop for?”  He asked, almost shouting with frustration.  “I’m almost there.”

Justin quirked an eyebrow.  “So is the ice water really all that bad, Mr. Kinney?” He asked with a snicker.

“You fucker!”  Brian said as he moved his hand down to finish the job himself.

“Ah ah ah!”  Justin grabbed hold of his wrist and scolded.  He looked at Brian with that huge grin and continued.  “All you have to do is say one little word and I’ll finish it myself.”  He began sucking on the ice again.

The sight of that made Brian’s cock visibly jump.  “You think that’s going to change my mind?”  Brian asked, trying not to sound desperate for Justin to touch him again.

“Well, if that doesn’t than this might.”  Justin said, as he leaned over and sucked the leaking head of Brian’s cock.

“Don’t stop!” Brain stammered.

“Then say it.” Justin demanded, teasing him by running the tip of his frozen tongue along Brian’s slit.

“Ok!  Fuck!  Fine!  I’ll do it!  Just don’t fucking stop you little twat!”  Brian exclaimed, defeated.

“That’s all you had to say!”  Justin beamed, as he lowered his head to bring Brian completely over the edge.


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