on a positive note

Mar 12, 2007 10:02

Well, I am on holidays for a week! Oh thank god. I was feeling like I was going to explode. Anyway, last night I participated in the Upper Island Music Festival, in two classes: Musical Theatre and Concert, which consists of three songs of my choosing, as long as one is not in english. Because I am older I was in the Adult Open classes, and there were two others competing. So the classes were the three of us, and no one else. I came second in both my classes, which was one better than I had expected. The woman who beat me was just so good, and has been studying much longer. I will settle for second. I felt really good about the whole experience, like I had accomplished something for once. I was really happy that my friend Kelly and two of my coworkers came to see me sing. That was really kind of them, and it was good to have their support. The night before that, I sang at a wedding in front of 300 plus people. That was a bit nerve wracking, but not so much as the festival, since most of the people at the wedding were liquored up and at the festival this woman adjusicates your performance. I was glad to have done the wedding first, because everyone was (drunkenly) telling me how wonderful I was and it was a great ego boost right before a competition. Now if I could only have slipped the festival adjudicator a few glasses of wine she would have loved me too!!!!
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