ho ho effing ho!!!!

Dec 18, 2006 01:48

Well, this is a fine kettle of fish. I had my dr appointment on thursday and was told that my cholesterol was thru the roof and I was on the verge of diabetes. Yay! So I am really screwed! I have now begun a complete overhaul of my diet/lifestyle. I think it will take some getting used to, but knowing that certain foods just aren't an option anymore makes it easier somehow. I wish this could have waited until after christmas, though. I will really miss all the yummy things, but it will just be different. My body is very unhappy about the lack of sugar, I must say. I had terrible headaches and nausea, but that has eased today. Today I am just bitchy as hell. When you have used food to soothe frayed nerves for 30 years, it is quite an adjustment to not have it anymore. But it hasn't even been a week, so I can't expect miracles. On the plus side, the new meal plan will help me lose weight, so I may have a different dress size by Pash's wedding! Also, my whole family will be healthier for the changes, and maybe my daughter won't have to go through this crap when she's older. I had a great sleep last night, 12 hours. I am in the middle of working 11 days straight, although last night I only worked three. If they call us on saturday it's double time so I can hardly say no, but once I got there I was like "what the hell am I doing here"? Started my shopping yesterday, I think my daughter is pretty much done, which was the most important thing. Anyone else can wait until after Christmas, but she needs her stuff on the day. OK off to bed, later.
PS Wish me LUCK (and patience, and willpower)
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