Nov 16, 2011 20:28
This is a frustrating fact of life I've come across. I try to tell people the way to begin but no one ever listens. OK, so if you're thinking of starting to watch Doctor Who, it is extremely important you know where to begin, because the episode you choose to watch first will color your opinion of Doctor Who forever. You could start in 1963 with William Hartnell or you could start in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston or you could just pick one to watch randomly. You could begin any way you want. I'm just going to tell you what seems to work best and make the most sense.
If you prefer the original Star Trek with Kirk and Spock over the other series of Star Trek, start at the beginning of Doctor Who with William Hartnell in 1963.
For everyone else, start with the NEW series, SEASON 5 EPISODE 1. And THEN when you've caught up to present-day Who, GO BACK and watch Season 1, Episode 1 of the NEW Doctor Who. Why start in the middle of a series and back track? I'll tell you:
1. The newer seasons are better quality in effects, story, writing, etc. than the first season of the new series.
2. Season 5 starts with a new Doctor, companions, everything. There's no lingering bits of the past to confuse you.
3. Once you've watched Season 5+, you'll WANT to go back and watch the old ones because the new ones are so good.
4. If you start with Season 1 of the new series, you're going to think the whole show is cheesy and the Doctor is bipolar. Don't do it.
5. If you see David Tennant as The Doctor before Matt Smith, you are going to resent Matt Smith. He doesn't deserve that.
6. It's the right way to do it.
(This wasn't meant to be directed at you, Carla. Dad started watching it today at my recommendation but he started with Season 1 of the new series :( I wouldn't worry about it if it was just him, but I know Sue won't like it starting from there, so it's frustrating.)