maybe i'm not so nice to everybody, someone hates me and i dont know what i did. i dont understand some things in this world, i feel so stupid, and i dont even know what i did.
aw thanks sarabeth, but i'm trying to figure this out on my own. they think that their being talked about so much? well i have people talking shit to my face about me. and i think that i have it a lot worse then them, they don't even know and it makes me really upset.
but then someone was talking about them behind their back, and THEY ASKED ABOUT IT, and i told them and now their mad at me for it. i stood up for them, and all they can do is hate me for it, i don't understand. =< maybe it's all my fault, maybe i should've lied when they asked me about it... i just... i dont know, i'm just feeling really emotional right now and i don't know how to take it, i just keep crying about it and no one's here to comfort me, i just dont know what to do
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What do you hate the most about me?
What's your favorite school year?
1. probly thatyou can make so many friends, and for the most part keep them. your so nice to everybody!!
2. dont know!! probly that your so skinny and im not, but thats jealousy, nothatred.
3. oh definitely 8th grade!!
but then someone was talking about them behind their back, and THEY ASKED ABOUT IT, and i told them and now their mad at me for it. i stood up for them, and all they can do is hate me for it, i don't understand. =< maybe it's all my fault, maybe i should've lied when they asked me about it... i just... i dont know, i'm just feeling really emotional right now and i don't know how to take it, i just keep crying about it and no one's here to comfort me, i just dont know what to do ( ... )
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