Dec 15, 2003 23:47
It's the 15th of our beautiful month December... And I have 2 finals left before I get to depart for the motherland: beautiful La Jolla. I dream of the beach and the Roppongis and the Ortegas and the LJ12 theaters and the sister and of the friends and of the parents and of the car (mmm... car...) and of the Christmas! Not that USC isn't great... it's pretty good too. I'll miss having my sister(almost)/roomie 5 feet from me almost all the time and many friends within a minutes walk. I won't miss the mess I call my half of the room (well... a little). I will NOT miss Calculus or Greek Myth, but I shall miss Spanish.
So I went to Vegas, refer to my roomie's live journal for that information. Let me just say though that my favorite moment of the trip was Ben sleepign in between Aaron and Kirk on the bed and minutes before drifting off to dreamland exclaimed "Do NOT back that trailer into my hitch!!" I died. It was beautiful. I also loved that watershow outside the Bellagio. Wow.
My sister got a puppy! it's utterly darling... come visit me in SD to see it! I haven't actually seen it in person yet but I can't wait to!
So i accidentally just erased the ending to this... But essentially, I'm down to 16 dining dollars for 2 days, I helped Dan spend 300 dining dollars in about 10 min at commons and I'm coming home late wednesday night to SD. I'm excited! Love me!