
Nov 27, 2010 20:14

Rachel being a stage!mom with Kurt? ADORABLE.

I want this friendship so bad.

I saw this really hilarious image yesterday comparing Rachel and Kurt, and it showed both of them with the photos of Jesse and Blaine in their lockers and it said something like "Same person, same crazy," but now the link doesn't work, so boo.

I mean, they even use the same hairspray!

I'm really glad their friendship really seems to be going somewhere this season, between their duet, Rachel being the first/only one in at least two episodes so far to know something is wrong with Kurt, and then now this? LOVE IT.

And both of them sing "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" in the upcoming episode. I can't even. I don't know if it's a traditional duet, or something like where they're both singing it at different locations, or what. A spoiler makes it seem like they sing it at least sort of together, but Glee spoilers are so unreliable. I do know that solo versions by both of them are going to be sold online.


Until then, I'll just listen to the best song from this season.

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image Click to view

This last GIF isn't related to anything, but it made me laugh.


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