Jan 21, 2008 10:32
So much stress. I hate all this stress because it's messing with my healthy eating habits. I have failed miserably on WW since Christmas time. Some how I haven't gained too much weight but it's still a gain and I hate to gain. I start to get into the "why am I doing this? I should just eat what ever" frame of mind and then I get depressed. I also noticed that my pants are fitting a bit tighter too. I really need to get back on the wagon.
Last week I got some news that made me feel a bit like a failure as a mom. My daughter is in first grade and her teacher told me that she was having some trouble in math. That shocked me because when she does her homework I don't feel like she is struggling. Then the next day I heard she is in a special program to help struggling kids read. I'm one of the persons who helps kids read. I didn't know about my daughter because she is in a different area than I am. *FAILURE* How could I not know that she is having this much trouble? So the day I found out about her struggling in math I made sure I paid attention to her when she was doing her math homework. I didn't see the struggle. Her teacher had told me what she was struggling with but I wasn't sure if I remembered correctly. She did her paper with a bit of hesitation. The same kind of hesitation someone would have if they weren't sure if they were doing something correctly. It dawned on me that I never told her she's doing it right! She didn't realized she understood the things she's learning in math because I never told her she's doing good! Ugh. So I made sure she knew that she is doing well. I talked to the lady that works one on one with my daughter in reading and she told me that she is doing fine and doesn't have trouble like the other kids do. I was told that her teacher put her in the reading program because one of her classmates was absent that day. She may be a tad bit slow or hesitate and I'm sure it's because I have failed to tell her how well she's doing. I work with struggling kids an hour each day and I know the struggles some of these kids have. I never thought my daughter was struggling like these kids do. She just needs more feed back than I have been giving her. I hate that I give these other kids constant feed back and I could see when they are getting frustrated and I make sure to let them know how well they are doing even if they are taking the tiniest of baby steps.
On a better note, both of my kids are taking a spanish class. It's all introductory and it's one hour after school on Friday's. They are both very excited about it. My daughter isn't really supposed to be in the class but I asked the teacher who is teaching it if it was okay for her to be there if not it's okay but I needed to know so I could pick her up. My son and her walk home together. The teacher said it was fine. I think it had something to do with the fact that my son had this teacher last year,I helped out in the class and the teacher likes me.
After constantly talking about it I finally convinced my husband to cut off 11 inches of my hair. He doesn't like it when I cut my hair but I have to constantly tell him that it's for locks of love and I could grow hair some people cant. It was really bothering me and I like to donate to locks of love and felt like it was the perfect time. It's now to the middle of my back and I colored it. I had to cover up those pesky little grey hairs. I really like the color. It's a shade darker than my hair and I think it looks good for the winter.