May 23, 2005 10:38
Well life is about the same as it has been in the past weeks.....except for one HUGE THING.......I ONLY HAVE 2 MORE BLOCKS LEFT AND THEN AFTER THAT I HAVE 3 CLASSES AND IM DONE! Now the classes may be 2 hours long but nonetheless I have to go to finals....thats it tho....after that I'm done with going to school! Now I have a lil bit of high school left but it'll be continued out at "the house" rather than @ fucking school.....WHOO HOO! Anyways tho livin with my sister is still cool....I'm finally able to have my own life....sure she gets mad at me sometimes but that is to be expected....I'm more than willing to take being yelled at for shit that I deserve to be yelled @ for's a fair enough price to pay for freedom to have a life for once in your life! I get to hang out with friends....and later than 10pm not to mention! And I don't have to call all time because if I'm needed I am called.....just all in all life is easier now that I don't have jack breathing down my back through my was hell I could never leave because I was either in trouble or afraid of being in in essence it was kinda like i was in trouble all the time cuz I never wanted to leave my damn room! Man o shitty life was.....anyways though I am still bein as respoinsible as I can....I'm not perfect but I'm doin my best to keep my shit together......but yah definitely liking life now....enjoyin it...experiencing a lot of stuff....some good some bad......but it's all good cuz I need to life experience if I EVER wanna life on my own or with one or 2 other ppl that aren't family or anything....cuz family is gonna be a little more understanding than other people are gonna be so living with Jessica isn't exactly the same as living in my own place....but it's a lot closer than I thought I'd ever be right now....o shit....I just noticed it's I gotta go peace out people