Aug 31, 2005 10:51
AHHH things have been SOOOO crazy since school started!!! The only reason I am updating now is b/c I am skipping class... yes, 2nd weeks of school and this is the 2nd time I have skipped this class. And I have not been hung over either time. I will be Friday though, and I guaruntee I will be there cause the bitch will take attendence cause EVERYONE will be hungover.... or still drunk even. Sigma Alpha had rush this week... we have 28 rushees. I will not ever really know these girls cause I am graduating in December... so whatever. Tonight is interview and bid night which will take till like 9 or 10. Then we get to go downtown! I haven't been downtown since school started cause everyone is having parties at their new houses. But I don't have class tomorrow... just have to work... thats gonna suck.... at least I will be inside. Last week I was hungover REAL bad during horse and crops labs and holy crap that sucked... I thought I was going to DIE. FOOTBALL starts SATURDAY! WOOHOO! I got really good tickets this time... but some friends got even better so we are prolly gonna have to sneak over to their section. Not sure where to tailgate... Paula and William don't get along... Paula is my sista and bff so I can't leave her hangin but I would rather hang with Block and Bridle cause they have kick ass tailgate. Where Paula doesn't drink... but B&B tailgate like 2 miles away from the stadium and we usually tailgate like 2 feet from the stadium which means I don't have to try to walk while intoxicated which is always a good thing... hmmm we'll see...