Dec 29, 2005 18:44
so its been fun..nicole wasnt here tho.. i am really updating just so i know what i did...
friday 23rd- i went to the devils game with ellen!! it was funnnn
sat 24- christmas eve.. i went to amandas for christmas eve with her familyy we wate and watched movies.
sun 25- first night of hunnukah.. i got my purple uggs..we went to the hospital to surpruse my mom and gave her her gift..she worked all day
mon 26- we had our hannukah party..i got lots of money..and earling and clothes ..returned the marissa nad ellen came over. we just hung out played dreidle and stuff lool and bloddy knuckles
tues 27- i went to marissas then we went to the mall and just ate at cheesecake and walked around
wed 28- i got my dress for a bar mitzvah and maybe prom..marissa and ellen came over
thurs 29- we are going to the costanzos for dinner..then ia m going to marissas
fri- hopefully going bowling with marissa..then out to dinner with jeffreys roomates family..the moss'.
sat- new years eve..marissas house!
sun- prob haning out with jess
ok thats it
ihave to work on a project for health and english quesitons UGH
this week went by sooooooo fast