Jun 28, 2007 00:46
well, as you all know if you've been good boys and girls and read my previous entries, LOL, I'm working on my website for an end of June have everything up and spiffy. Sok, I'm on the podcast page. many of the podcasts I listened to, like Marlaina's are gone. There are some still there and some new ones I have to put ion there. But I want to know what you guys are listening too. I'm not really interested in tech related stuff. Blindness, gereneral disability stuff, dogs, all animals, history, and travel especially soundseeing type stuff is what I mostly like. So, if you have anything to recomend. I'm pretty bored with what i'm currently listening too. I' mean its all still good and stuff, but. So, send me something new and fun. That page will be the last one to go up. I think anyway. I worked on email lists, fixed that and my authors page. I have the show page to do. taht needs a major update. Funny how much my show interests change and yet have stayed the same in the past what has it been 4 years. Today I walked 2 and a half miles. The first mile and a tenth was aroudn the golf course with Laura and Ellie girl of course. She did marvelous work. I mean like really smooth focused work. She needed 2 corrections once at a pile of poop and once at a dead squirel. She really wanted to check that out. Does anyone know who I can call to get them to pick that up? Its really rather unpleasant! to put it , , mildly. She was slow because it was hot, but she was just good even stopping for a stick she thought i'd trip over. And finding home. Then we went to church where I did not walk LOL. It was awards night for missionettes and royal rangers and it brought back memories! Then I decided to go with Val to the gym where I went a mile on the treadmill at 2.9 miles an hour and another little less than half a mile on the precore. I'm not getting out of bed in the morning. LOL. I actually have no plans for tomorrow. I was to have lunch and go to BNB with Ann, but she is sick, poor Ann, she sounds horrible. So, I'll look for pages about favorite shows. And hopefully I'll listen to all the new great podcasts you all will send me. Oh, the cable lady game today and spent 45 minutes messeng with my cable trying to get rid of the aduio feed back. She couldn't, so she unplugged and rerouted everything. Very nice lady, and it sounds wonderful now! My speekers are working, there's barely any buzz and the other feedback is mostly gone. Hurray, now I won't have to listen to convention with audio from the TV coming through at the same time. I so wish I was going. Although there really wasn't much on the program that looked interesting to me. of course the dog stuff all did, but I can listen to htat on pawtracks, or most of it There was some stuff, but mostly the tours just looked so awesome! But I'm going to KY next year. I don't know how but I am. I should go look at the NFB program and see if they have a good porgram. Feeling sad again, ug! Ok, should go to bed. Not tired though wierd since I've been up since 7. Living Christian had a good show today. She interviewed this guy about discrimination and judgmental attitudes within the church. That's a podcast I'll be adding to my page. Ok, my dog is snoring grin. Good night, or something.