first off I'm not sure I ever told you all I put up another podcast. Ellie my friend Val, and I go to the mall. We walk all around and Val talks about the stores we pass. Its about 20 minutes. hear it at Today has been good. I went shopping. We had a great costumer service rep. She found everything. She acidentally got me 3 things of icecream instead of 2 LOL and I forgot to buy a bus pass so I'll have to make a trip back there. I probably see if Val can swing me by on Monday since I don't need to spend a whole hour or more. Ellie did geat in the store. She's much happier when she's working instead of heeling, so I worked her in front of the cart. She was smooth and focused and did awesome obstacle clearance! I got home quickly put the groceries away and went to the w school to meet Val. Val myself and another teacher went on a walk. Since Ellie hadn't done it before I heeled her having her stop at the curbs and stuff patterning they call it and worked her on the way exept in one place where we are right on the edge of the road and it is essential that we stay right on the edge or we might be roadkill. For that 2 minutes I took Val's arm. She heeled beautifully and her work was great. a bit slow which is normal on new routes but very focused and smooth. A couple of times I'd feel her start to turn her head to sniff the bushes, but without me saying anything she'd quickly turn it back! I could just hear her thinking to herself "oh! that's a good smell! I think I'll sniff it! Oh! wait! I can't do that! I'm working! Oh, yay! mommy just told me I'm a good girl! I love that!" I'm now sitting here waiting for my laundry to be done so I can put it away. Then I will probably sleeep but I'll fall asleep to a good book. I need to finish Ruby so mom can return it. It came from her library. 15 mins till the dryer is done. What should I wirite about until then? I had popcorn tonight. I got in from the diningroom where the friday night moovy is going on. Speeking of moovys I want to go see the last sin eater when it comes out. That is a great book! I heard reviews of the moovy today on living christian which were all positive. I wish that show would be archived or podcasted so I could hear it when I have to miss. It is a local christian talk show on for 2 and a half hours mid day. I can catch it tuesday and wed. My tummy is feeling queasy. Hurry up laundry I want to lay down! Someone named Karin from southeastern left me a message today. She's going to try to call me again on Monday between 2 and 3. Hmmm someonesigned on to my msn. Speeking of that lately its been acting wierd and I can't always see my contact list. This obviously means Ican't meswsage anyone. So, if you see me on and want to talk just im. If I'm there and not busy we can caht. Coke is good! Spicey chicken is good too. that's what I had for luncch while sitting at safeway. The phone is ringing. And now it stopped it was just one ring. How starange. Did I write that Heather left Lancce a couple weeks ago Its very sad! She left mainly because she was afraid of going to jail since she hadn't done her comunity service. She left all of her stuff. Lance got rid of Ranger. It sounds like he's going to a cool new home though here in town with another Husky. Those people must love grooming as much as I do! 6 minutes left. Our youth pastor and children's director who happen to be married are moving to Arizona so they have resigned there positions. I wish I qualified for the job! I saw an add for an elementary teachers aid in a christian school and wished I qualified for that as well. that one I might have a chance at, but I doubt it. I listened to a very interesting vidio today online about a bilingual preschool. Golly, I'm sleepy! i think I'll stop this pointless ramble