Jan 26, 2006 13:27
Well my day is pretty boring. I am going through a newspaper lookin for jobs since they have been screwing me on my hours. This week I got a fuckin lowzy 19 hours!!! WTF???
Today is NOT a good day for me. First off I woke up crying, wasn't too sure why or what I dreamed about. My best friend Sean's anniversay is today....5 years and still missing him greatly. Have to go visit the grave today. Alone. I am always alone... Woah...sorry about that.
Anyways I am suppost to be going out to Necto's on Friday night with my Michael!!! I missed him so much!! Him and Jesse. hehehe Man have we all had some good time together!!
Tonight after I get back from visiting Sean (tear) I will be going to The Mott's Annual Drag Show. (cheers) It should be interesting. I hope by me being there I don't cause any disruptance! I am trying to get my mother to come with me but she has been ill for some time so I am not too sure that will work out. So I will most likely be going....alone....there seems to be a pattern in that...lol Now I have to go feed the kids lunch. It looks like a beautiful day doesn't it? Cold but bright! :)