Dec 16, 2005 10:35
So, the moral of my life is a. when ethics is available, do ethics! I could have done biologizing ethics for my final paper... but no, I didn't get an abstract together. Now I am locked into Kuhn/Darwin Darwin is the exemplar of Kuhn's ideas...argh! This paper is turning out like shit! I don't know Darwin well enough to do this . PLus, I don't feel well...asthma and lungs acting up.
I WANT to go to a party tonight and if I don't get this done I am not going. I am not that irresponsible.
oh and the teacher said I could have an 'I' though he is reluctant to give them.
Please help!
Anything anyone knows about Darwin especially, but also Kuhn would be greatly appriciated. Shit, anything on how to write 20 pages would be appricaited. I have NEVER written a paper that long, Let alone on something I hate AND something I could not read ethics into.
Going to bed.
Up at 230 p.m.
Love you all.