Nakajima Miyuki - 銀の龍の背に乗って (Ride on the Silver Dragon's Back)

Nov 18, 2013 00:03

My friend who gave me this Kokia song always sings this at karaoke, and I've grown very fond of it. I almost like it as much as 時代.

Beyond that pale ocean, someone is surely hurting right now
Like a young bird yet unable to fly, I am lamenting my powerlessness
Hurry up, sadness, and turn into wings
Hurry up, scars, and turn into a compass
Like a young bird yet unable to fly, I am lamenting my powerlessness

Until my dreams will came to pick me up, I spent yesterday trembling and only waiting
Tomorrow, I'll go to the dragon's feet, climb the cliff and yell: "Come on, let's go"
Ride on the silver dragon's back, let's go and deliver to life's desert
Ride on the silver dragon's back, let's go carry a swirl of rainclouds

Even having lost anything you can lose, people will still cling to somebody's finger
The reason we only have soft skin is so we will listen to others' pain
Hurry up, sadness, and turn into wings
Hurry up, scars, and turn into a compass
Like a young bird yet unable to fly, I am lamenting my powerlessness

Even on wings like cotton dust, with undependable nails like leave buds
Tomorrow, I'll go to the dragon's feet, climb the cliff and yell: "Come on, let's go"
Ride on the silver dragon's back, let's go and deliver to life's desert
Ride on the silver dragon's back, let's go carry a swirl of rainclouds

Ride on the silver dragon's back, let's go carry a swirl of rainclouds
Ride on the silver dragon's back
Ride on the silver dragon's back


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