Bye-bye, Garnet Crow ;___;

May 26, 2013 13:06

On Friday night, I went to Garnet Crow's last live (in Tokyo) together with the same friend with whom I'd also been to the concert before that. I am really, really glad that I got to see them live one more time (the fifth time for me overall), but damn, that was sad.
The concert was great - they're making a DVD -, but I wish they had played more of my old favourites. Nonetheless, when they ended with a second encore of 夢みたあとで, I felt it was a great way to end. (And yes, I cried a little. No pun on a certain Garnet Crow song intended. The thought that I was never again going to see them perform live...)

When Molli died last year, I felt that everyone who I meet from then, or my future children, will never know that one part of me. I feel the same about Garnet Crow. Some people in the audience always brought their kids, and I will never be able to do that. (Well, maybe you shouldn't take kids to rock concerts anyway...)

Well, but I have ten albums and dozens of coupling songs to listen to (I'm planning to translate some in the near future), and I can always go to karaoke with my GC-fan friend and sing my heart out - not that I could ever be as good as Yurippe, but it makes me feel better to sing. (And yesterday, when my friend and I did just that, I felt that I had gotten a little better at managing some of the more difficult - for me, that's mostly the lower - songs.)

Overall, I guess I'm pretty lucky I got to see them live, and I owe them so much, like my friendship with said friend, or even the fact that I started learning Japanese in the first place and am now here in Waseda. I probably won't ever again have such strong feelings for a band, but as they say, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Thank you, Garnet Crow, for changing my life! I'll keep you in my heart (and on my iPod) forever!

garnet crow

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