[OOC: Turtles of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Variety]

May 09, 2007 01:20

Canon: Info in a Halfshell

Even if all you know's the title you've got the basic idea; they're teenage, mutant, ninja turtles. Seriously.

They are not, however, the cutesy turtles from the cartoon you watched on Saturday mornings as a kid - I love them too, don't get me wrong, but we're a (slightly) darker step up from those cuddly-looking heroes.

We're taking our turtles from the movieverse, comprised of four films - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990), TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993) so creative omg and TMNT (2007). We've made a couple of tweaks for what years things happen (hello, 14 year gap!), but that's pretty much it.

Sixteen years ago, four pet-store turtles and a rat were exposed to a mutagen that fell out of a van and into the sewer. Shortly thereafter, all five began to grow and become intelligent, the rat watching over the younger turtles and, eventually, becoming a father-figure to them, teaching them the ways of the ninja that he had learned by watching his former owner.

During the course of the first three movies, the turtles fight badguys, learn their origins, and go back in time to ancient Japan, making allies and enemies of all kinds along the way. After the third movie, Splinter decides that Leonardo, the de facto leader of the turtles mostly by way of a complete lack of personality, should go off into the world to learn how to be a better leader. He's supposed to be gone for a year and then return to reform the team and save the world, because that's what you do when you're a crack team of terrapin martial artists with a disturbing love of pizza.

Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo are left behind and, when the year passes and Leonardo doesn't return, they drift further and further apart, tensions running high from the glaring gap in their lineup, unsure if Leonardo ever intends to come back at all.

These three turtles, instead of moving on to the beginning of the fourth movie, are now going to Fandom High.

Mutant Zoology 101: Turtles? Seriously?

Yes, turtles. They're all three of them five and a half feet (or so) of walking, talking, anthropomorphic turtle. But they're mutant turtles, so they're really kind of human teenagers with green skin and shells. Warm-blooded, unlikely to give you salmonella, and they also have teeth, with which they consume enough pizza to make most people never want to see cheese and tomato sauce again in their life.

Your short anatomy lesson: the hard part of the shell they wear on their backs? Is the carapace. The flat (semi-flexible here) part over their front? Is called the plastron. The bits on the side are called bridges. Congratulations, you probably know way more about turtles than you ever wanted to.

Our turtles also have very good night vision as real turtles do, but ours also have athletic ability equal to very highly-trained human martial artists, as well as each being very good at fighting with their weapon of choice.

Characters: Four Turtles Minus One

Leonardo: Blue-bandana'd, eldest of the four, and wielding two ninjaken (swords), he's not around, but is often in the others' thoughts. They miss him, but they have to keep going until their errant leader decides to return to the team, such as it nowadays.

Raphael: Raph is red one. He's also the pain in the ass of the group. He's gruff, he's mouthy, he has an attitude, he prefers action over talking and he's often getting into trouble. Thankfully, he can handle himself.

Originally, he was just the snarky, sarcastic one, but over the years (and particularly from where I'm pulling him), Raph has turned into the bitter one. He feels disgruntled about Leo being the 'favorite son' and the leader of the group, especially since Leo has (in Raph's opinion) abandoned them.

It's also totally all his fault that the boys are in Fandom, but he'll never admit it.

Raph doesn't warm to people easily, but he does tend to appreciate people who prove themselves worthy of his attention (hello ego!). If they can fight or be good at whatever it is they do, then they're okay.

Since the boys haven't had much socialization, finding like-minded people around will be a new thing for Raph. He'll get to know people, break away from his brothers a little more and do his own thing. He loves to spar and he's very good at fighting and he's more a night owl than a day timer (which works for my schedule, huzzah!).

Michelangelo: "Michelangelo is a party dude!"

... Well, yes. And I could probably leave his description at that and be done with it, as it basically sums up the big chunk of his personality, doesn't it?

But Mikey is more than that. He's the surfer guy, the skateboarder, the happy face stuck in along with the brainy, stoic, and grumpy. He's something like a puppy in a turtle's body, and he wants to see everyone around him smiling and happy, too. His favourite colour is the sunny, happy shade of orange, which he uses in his- uh- costume to distinguish himself from his brothers. Sunny happy things are totally Mikey's thing.

Mikey gets along with everyone. No, really. Everyone. If he doesn't, it certainly isn't for lack of trying. Possibly to the point of being annoying. Most likely with pizza involved somehow.

And how many ninjas do you know who use surfer-speak on a regular basis and put any combination of food items under the sun onto their pizzas?

Donatello: Donnie (or Don or Brainiac, etc) is the brains of the group, or at least the most technologically inclined turtle of the four. Prone to tinkering with machinery of all types and reading Stephen Hawking for fun, he's also introspective and a little less out-going than his brothers. He's friendly, but thinks way too much in the way that sometimes leads to questioning others' motives and his own abilities.

His favorite color - and, therefore, the color of his bandana - is purple, and he wields a bo to great effect. His weapon also reflects his somewhat less aggressive stance; Donatello is the turtle most likely to try talking before jumping into a fight - but once in it, he's not going to back down.

In Leo's absence, Donnie attempted to hold the team together, but Raph's bitter anger intimidated him and Mikey seemed happy being the energetic handful he'd always been. With a need to support themselves, he took a job as computer tech support - ideal for a guy who can't exactly show his face around town. But he's not happy with the state of their family and doesn't know how to fix it. Fandom High was his suggestion to Splinter and hopefully he won't come to regret it.

Questions, comments?

[Cowritten with halfshell_hero and turtle_toughguy, for great justice!]

raph, mikey, ooc

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