August 1, 2005
♥ Welcome to my journal. For reasons entirely my own, this journal is Friends Only. If you think we may get along really well and have similar interests, then by all means, ask about friending, because I'm rather laid back. :D
This journal is pretty fandom-oriented. I love fandoms, am active in several (to varying degrees) and I often squee/rant like a madwoman over which fandom currently holds my interest the most. Basically, I fandom-hop like it's my job and I tend to lose focus of old ones when I find a new one. I'm a shipper by nature, and I tend to lean towards unconventional ships, with the exception of a few. Also, I can't stand character bashing for the sake of a ship. I won't do it or allow it here. Ship and let ship.
I'm rather laid back, as I said, but I have some strong opinions on highly controversial issues. Mostly, I'm in the minority in my thoughts, but I don't like drama on my journal, so you can either get over it or de-friend me.
If you're here in search of my fic, icons, fanmixes, etc., everything of that nature is posted to
So... any questions?
No? Well then, buckle up and get your stupid fucking rope. ♥