(no subject)

Jun 19, 2004 23:11

I saw someone do this in ratetherandom, and I'm gonna do the same. Muhaha.

1. I have 48 stuffed animals.
2. My refrigerator is empty.
3. I don't want to grow up.
4. I snort whenever I watch movies.
5. I think I'm fugly.
6. I'm in love with my personality.
7. If I were another person, I would date me.
8. I'm deathly afraid of heights...
9. ...and spiders.
10. When I was in middle school, I just wanted to fit in.
11. I wasn't always like this.
12. I'm the tallest person in my immediate family.
13. I've been with my dog for 9 years on September 17th.
14. I don't know how to flirt.
15. I get extremely nervous if I like somebody.
16. Whenever nobody was around, I used to make my sister's barbies have sex.
17. And I still do that.
18. My favorite color is red.
19. My favorite animals are monkeys.
20. William Hung was the dumbest thing to hit this earth...
21. ...next to George W. Bush.
22. I always get cuts, but they never leave scars.
23. I love to swim.
24. My favorite late night show is Conan O Brien.
25. I hated the movie "The English Patient".
26. Most of my friends are younger than me.
27. I used to have a crush on my kindergarten teacher.
28. I've been skinny dipping.
29. Twice.
30. Dying young is one of my greatest fears.
31. The mohawk is the GREATEST hair style ever.
32. I've never been to Texas.
33. I'm obsessed with Science Fiction stuff.
34. The highest number of jumps I've gotten on a pogo stick was 3,912.
35. I've tried and tried to juggle while jumping on my pogo stick, but it just doesn't work.
36. I like to play with swords.
37. Sometimes, when nobody's around, I like to roleplay.
38. I'm thinking of writing a 7-part murder/revenge story.
39. I might like to be an actor someday.
40. Some of my friends aren't really my friends.
41. Quentin Tarantino and Tim Burton are the best film directors alive.
42. I am obsessed with rating communities.
43. I like talking about other people. (Not the bad stuff, but the good.)
44. I change subjects constantly and I don't know why.
45. I am one of the most random people you will ever meet.
46. I was born on a different continent.
47. I have 4 journals, but I only update one of them.
48. I just got a diaryland.
49. I want a computer.
50. My birthday is in two days.
51. I have 33 friends in LiveJournal, 30 of which friend me back.
52. I have met/know 14 of them in real life.
53. I love to look at pictures.
54. I love to take pictures, too.
55. Being in pictures doesn't really matter to me.
56. I love watching the sun set...
57. ...but I hate watching it rise.
58. I love punk music.
59. My dad is the worst person in the world...
60. ...but can be cool sometimes.
61. I LOVE Cheetos.
62. I am bisexual.
63. I have known this for two years.
64. I never have money.
65. I want a letter jacket.
66. Alarm clocks annoy me.
67. I'm a basketcase.
68. I like to scream.
69. I didn't know what "69" was until 9th grade.
70. My favorite book is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
71. I LOVE Douglas Adams books.
72. 42 is the meaning of life.
73. In 5th grade, I had hair down past my ears.
74. I have two pairs of shoes, one of which is still in my band locker.
75. I once had three bikes at a time.
76. I don't watch television that often.
77. I am addicted to the internet.
78. I smile at strangers.
79. Preps annoy me.
80. Trying to be someone else is one of the things I hate the most.
81. Stupid people scare me.
82. Whenever I'm at amusement parks, I always think the rollercoaster's going to fall of the tracks.
83. I'm the best damn saxophone player you'll ever meet, only not really.
84. I hate people that steal.
85. I love school dances, and I don't know why, because...
86. ...I can't dance.
87. Everything I do is the stupidest thing I've ever done.
88. I am an EXTREME clutz.
89. A lot of people think I suffer from schizophrenia.
90. I like to walk around the lake.
91. I LOVE to rollerblade.
92. I hear voices inside my head.
93. I like to wear hats.
94. My mommy can be the nicest person in the world sometimes.
95. Macaroni and Cheese with ketchup is really good.
96. I can eat anything with salt.
97. Pluto is my favorite stuffed animal.
98. I don't have an actual bed, just a mattress on my bedroom floor.
99. Sometimes I like to sleep on the couch at night.
100. My favorite place in the summer is the woods on the minnehaha parkway.

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