k..this is for Tristan..eljay is being TOTALLY gay...ugh!

May 12, 2005 14:32

x. am i cute? sure
x. am i pretty? sure
x. am i crazy? yeah
x. am i lovable? yeah
x. am i funny? yep
x. am i annoying? nope
x. am i daring? yeah
x. am i a good person? yeah

Would you..
x. would you miss me if i was gone? sure would
x. would you be a good friend? yep
x. would you run evil social espionage missions for me? anytime of teh day!
x. would you ever do it again if you already have? sure would
x. would you ever marry me if you could? nope...thats whoolies job playa

How well do you know me??
x. who is my best friend? whoolie
x. who am i crushing on/dating? whoolie
x. favorite color? whoolie
x. favorite song/songs? songs about whoolie
x. favorite music groups? the whoolinators
x. what song would you dedicate to me? anything by whoolie

If you could...
x. if you could do one thing with me, it would be? eat some eggrolls!
x. if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be? hurt whoolie and i shall kill you!
x. if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? to find whoolie and lacie, then we would all go frolic playing "tag, youre the penis" and do some "hail hitler" dances...OHP! We already did that! haha

What do you think??
x. what do you love about me? your hair and personality
x. what do you hate about me? MIKE JONES!
x. what is my best quality? whoolie
x. if you could change one thing about me, what would it be? i would take away thy cast
x. what is your honest opinion about me? youre a super cool dude
x. what would you do if i sang out of tune? i would sing out of tune wit u
x. what song reminds you of me? MIKE JONES!
x. do you think I'm a virgin? ----
x. if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? q23452346457356735675368 and STILL LOOKIN YOUNG!
x. am i huggable? sure
x. if you could promise me anything, what would it be? uhm anyting you want

x. do you ever think about me offline? sure
x. if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be? awesomefawesome
x. if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? a bunch of good things
x. what are my faults? your ability to break your bones
x. what are my strengths? your ability to unbreak them
x. do you wish we were closer? lmao...hahaha...i*ll tell you why i laughed later...*squeals* hahahahahhaha *dies* X_X
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