Hi, it me.

Feb 18, 2010 00:03

you have officially reached Ayano's LJ. like you, I am a professional fangirl. to keep things simple, I have left the Johnnys fandom. after 8 wonderful years, i've decided it's about time I live for myself, do the things I want, see new places, and experience new things. therefore, 2014 will be the last year for this chick.

YouTube has taught me many many many things over the past two years and it has honestly been nothing but new and fun! if anyone's interested, my favourites are PewDiePie, Tyler Oakley, PointlessBlog, FunForLouis and Cryaotic! if you're either a) judging me or 2) wondering how odd it is to like YouTubers, then watch the videos that got me hooked!

I procrastinate a lot, I suck at photo editing but I try it anyway. At times I do macros when I feel like it 【 Junno macros anyone?】and talk a lot about things. I am a writer, and I bake a lot too! If you like anime and read a lot then we definitely share a lot a bit in common now (: I am also a Beat-Enthusiast and I honestly wish someone would pay me to talk about them all day (;_;) I also love Dane Dehaan's existence.

I appreciate you for reading this post and if after everything you've read, if you don't find me creepy at all, you may add me 【here】!  so please please please leave me a comment in this post or 【 this one】if youu have friended me with a small intro of yourself! ♥ Comments are screened (:

with much love,

last edited: 09th August 2014

hi it me, introduction

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