i should really be writing my fic out but my brain doesnt work without food so.
ive been meaning to write this out for god-knows-how-long and i think i finally found the time and energy to do so! this is Beautiful Sunday, a stageplay about 3 main characters: Hiroki (Kiriyama Akito), Akihiko (Katsurayama Shingo) and Chihiro (Sena Jun). It's about love, friendship and courage.
We start off, in a cold morning in Japan and you see Akihiko awaken from his slumber, complaining about how the person next to him has taken the sheets once again. He clears up the apartment a little, making as little noise as possible so that his sleeping buddy doesnt wake. Then we realise that that sleeping lump… isnt Hiro at all! Enter, Chihiro! Your quirky, really noisy single woman that just likes company.
Akihiko and Hiro mustve had a fight the night before, because Akihiko asks 'Hiro' what time he came home, if he's eaten, etc. Without a response, Akihiko grins and apologises for forgetting about whatever it was that he has forgotten. And here, he pulls the covers and discovers Chihiro under the covers XD
Unable to explain herself (and threatened by Akihiko), Chihiro asks if he can see her. Ghost disguise, failed of course. Anyway, Chihiro was apparently drunk (or came back too late) and the nearest place was this place, which happens to be her old home (she even has the old key). In-between, Akihiko's mother phones for a visit and Akihiko is all flustered because… basically his mother is coming. This man also doesnt have a cellphone. Akihiko's mother has also set him up for omiai(s), which Akihiko reluctantly always agrees to . He also loses his 500 000yen and accuses Chihiro of stealing it. She then dares him to search her, which he does (reluctantly) until…
Enter, Your sassy, awesome personality, homo character. He tells Akihiko that it's so much safer to keep the 500 000yen under his pillow than in the drawer(?) because it is more logical to do so XD Hiro also forces asks Akihiko to apologise to Chihiro because he's accused her of something she hasnt done. Hiro of course, pouts and gives his angry puppy face which always kills me :x AKIHIKO HAS A TANTRUM LIKE A 6 YEAR OLD /o\ Here we discover that Akihiko and Hiro are /kinda/ in an obvious relationship, because Hiro grabs him by the arm and oh-so-cutely announces that they're having a party to celebrate a third anniversary :3 Hiro and Chihiro also discover that they have a few things in common and breaks into song enthusiastically akito displays good singing ability!!!1!!! and they try to annoy Akihiko to the max XD
Phone rings!!!! This is where it is pretty obvious that Akihiko is hiding the fact that his mother is coming for a visit from Hiro :x Akihiko asks why Hiro is giving her like… attention (for lack of better word) and Hiro says it's because she looks lonely. In the following scene, we see the kind of relationship that Hiro and Akohiko have -the sort of 'love' they have for each other. Akihiko asks where Hiro was, and not to push himself too much and Hiro looks pleased because the man cares for his well-being. He even looks a little shy as he takes his medicine (note that we are not aware that Hiro has a sickness yet). And we break into a lovely duet by Hiro and Chihiro ♥ At the end of the song (which is quite preppy and happy), we see Hiro kind of… staring off above with a longing look in his eyes.
Akihiko gets back from grocery shopping just to find Chihiro in just a bathrobe. She asks what he has bought and he mentions a ton of things -most of which, are Hiro's favourite food ♥ Mother has also called, but Chihiro answered (she is now on the shinkansen!!!1! she's a pretty hip lady, going to watch concerts and such XD) Enter Hiro half-naked cue my death and Hiro announces that Chihiro and he got into the bath/shower together along with an akito-cackle XD someone please stab me Praise for Chihiro's nice body but too bad she doesnt have big boobs :x Ah, yes! Hiro also receives fan-letters for his artwork for when his friend posts photos of his work on the blog :D
akito does this hair flick jfc im going to faint We then find out how Hiro realises that he's a homo -during highschool during soccer club practice, it suddenly poured so hard and this dude Ezaki well, got drenched and stuff and that was when he realised XD (we have that, but also, well, you can stare at his body movements as he explains) They move onto another topic, one that kind of makes Hiro feel a little uncomfortable (you can see it in his face) and Hiro asks if Chihiro and himself should wed (so they dont feel lonely). Hiro desperately tries to lighten the atmosphere by poking fun at Akihiko's omiai partner's photo and Chihiro asks why he's even going for it anyway. Hiro answers, telling Chihiro that it's just to ease Mother's worries. They go a little deeper into the topic and Hiro's tone changes, trying to maintain his usual spunk. His expression is painful to watch and the small silences in-between everything awkward… lonely.
We move onto an omiai rehearsal which is pretty fun and lively where they make fun of Akihiko quite a lot /o/ However, in-between things starts to get serious. Chihiro talks about an old flame, which i cant really explain so much because until now, i dont get either. Moving on! Hiro goes out to buy food, and Chihiro asks Akihiko where he and Hiro first met. Nichibata, and it wasnt a nampa, but when Hiro was working at a shop that was selling t-shirts and accessories. Chihiro asks what he likes about Hiro and Akihiko avoids the topic, but blushes. Also, Mother is in Tokyo already.
Here, we find out that Akihiko actually buys some of Hiro's paintings in secret. The cute scene sort of backfires because Chihiro thinks that it's selfish to do this. It feels like a lie, and that Hiro wouldnt be happy about it. "Reality? Well what is the truth of it all anyway. As long as he doesnt give up his passion, that's all that matters." Wise words from Akihiko. Hiro comes back from buying stuff, and Chihiro kind of freaks out because i think she realises that her ex-lover has probably lied about his sickness and actually left her. I cant say for sure, since i seriously dont get her background so much.
Everything goes downhill from here, just as we're nearing the date for the anniversary party. "Reality… is actually painful, isnt it?" Chihiro says in tears. Hiro comes back into the scene, asking Chihiro if she would like to help him make confetti for the party and she livens up a little. They talk, and we find out that Hiro is aware of the fact that Akihiko is buying some of his paintings from the gallery. He finds that quite charming. Then…
Hiro accidentally cuts himself with a scissors. He tells Chihiro not to worry, and not to touch the scissors as well because he is HIV+. Chihiro thinks he's lying (i thought so too but ;;;;; ) Hiro tries to make the situation better, but things like that just doesnt go that way. Hiro apologises, telling her that it's the first time he's told someone aside Akihiko and Chihiro starts crying. Akihiko tells her not to cry. That people have their own worries/problems. It's just unfortunate that Hiro's is a sickness. One that cannot be cured, and things get sadder.
The day of the Anniversary. The two set the table together, and Hiro seems super excited. But Hiro realises that Chihiro is missing. Akihiko asks if Hiro wants to hang the ball-thing up, and Hiro says yes with a melancholic look. Hiro somehow suggests to Akihiko that the man should marry Chihiro, the conversation stops there and Hiro asks if Akihiko can help him give a trim. They talk about the first time they met, and Hiro tells him how happy he was. You see how close they are, how open they are with their feelings. They care not that they're guys, or even with the age gap. There is friendship, there is comfort. There is even a little playful flirting going on -with Hiro pouting and complaining about what was before. When Hiro leans onto Akihiko, when he lies on his lap just because he wants to, and Akihiko puts an arm around him to comfort him a little… there is nothing but sadness in the air. They talk about the time when Hiro told Akihiko that he was positive and the moment is broken when Chihiro finally comes back.
The party then begins on a slight high, with food and italian wine and the three friends together. Chihiro drinks a little too much, and funny things happen and high is mellowed down when Hiro tells Chihiro that if he werent homo, he'd go for her because he thinks that she's the world's #1 woman. He praises her, tells her that she should have more confidence in herself and they proceed with the party which results into chaos.
Gift exchange. Akihiko > Hiro, vice-versa. Akihiko has blueprints to the future house where he will live with Mother… and Hiro as well. The two will have a room together, of course. Akihiko is honest, happy and proud about this, but it causes Hiro to back off a little. Hiro's character becomes smaller on stage, his presence is less… attractive and confident. Hiro gives his present and Chihiro is excited upon seeing it but Akihiko knows something is up. At this point, Hiro refuses to meet Akihiko's eye. Hiro pulls the string and it's a breakup. As Hiro explains himself, with a smile that's too painful to look at, Akihiko looks at his partner in complete disbelief and we find out that Akihiko is completely straight.
Hiro's character dives into insanity at this point. He wont stop talking, wont stop explaining how this relationship will never work because he is a homo and that Akihiko is straight. How they will have a relationship where sex is void because he is HIV+. Hiro thinks Akihiko is just pushing himself, trying for Hiro. Was it because he pitied Hiro? By this time Hiro is angry, he's sad and completely heartbroken. He feels like he's an eyesore towards Akihiko but the man tries to put it straight that being HIV+, being a homo, all that doesnt matter to him which sets Hiro into a maniacal cackle because he thinks that Akihiko means that he doesnt care about Hiro after all.
Here Hiro also admits that he's done jobs that is rid him of his dignity (i presume, maybe this was how he became HIV+) because they needed money (or, along the lines of that). The both of them break into a telling match, and Akihiko finally gets onto his knees to look Hiro (who's on the ground) right in the eye. They come to some sort of… understanding for a split second and you'd think that everything will be all right. Akihiko suggests that Hiro should go to a hospital, to try and get treated properly but Hiro declines. He doesnt want to be with Akihiko and the man is confused and heartbroken beyond belief and resorts to force to prove that he DOES care for Hiro. When Hiro pushes Akihiko off of him, he asks why Hiro is doing this and boy finally breaks. "I like you! I dont want us to be together because I like you!!" is what Hiro says in tears. Hiro feels that for the person he loves, he cant take away his freedom.
Chihiro throws pebbles at them, yelling at them that theyre both dumb as fuck. So what if Hiro has AIDS? What difference does it make anyway? Love is love, at least they have each other… unlike her. She's lonely, always lonely. We're interrupted by the sound of an ambulance and we go into Chihiro's story a little, so i'll just skip this portion since i still have to figure this out DX
All is forgotten for a while and there is this moment where Chihiro grabs Akihiko by the arm for a little too long for comfort and support and they finally move back to the living room. Akihiko admits to her that he really isnt gay/homo, but he feels this sense of comfort when he's in the same bed as Hiro. THEY FORGOT ABOUT THE TELEPHONE, basically, Mother and when they finally plug the line in, it rings. Mother says that she's in a hotel right now, and Akihiko tells that to Chihiro. Mother asks if it's Hiro and Akihiko says it's no- BUT WAIT. HOW DOES MOTHER KNOW ABOUT HIRO? She's known for the longest time actually, but has not said a word.
Apparently (i think) Mother is a fan of Hiro's works. He goes through Hiro's fanmail and sees one from Mother. Chihiro reads it and it is a heartwarming one. One that thanks him for taking care of her son. One of acceptance and Akihiko cries at that. Chihiro tells Akihiko that she sees no reason for them to breakup. Hiro loves him after all, with all his heart. Hiro stands at the entrance and overhears Akihiko telling Chihiro that he loves Hiro as well aaaaanddd it gets a little awkward and shy (/w\)
The live atmosphere is restored, everyone looks like their hearts have been put at ease and they end on a high note (with Hiro joking about stuff and trying to make Chihiro laugh). Im not sure how it really ends because again, my Japanese is limited and I can only understand so much. The cast ends with the three of them singing the theme song wonderfully and one thing's for sure:
All is well.
I really loved this play. tbh when Akito was chosen for the role i got a little scared because to take on a role like this was truly difficult, what more for a person who is inexperienced. Sure he's had shounentachi and kabuki etc but this was his first lead role by himself along with 2 others and they werent from Johnnys. Also, he cant use kansaiben, which i rmbr him saying was one of the hardest thing for him.
This was a stageplay with just 3 cast members, one badass pianist and good simple plot that carried a lot of meaning. it started off fun and lively but then when it was nearing towards the anniversary date, things took a turn for the worst. I think Akito portrayed Hiro quite well (his role was convincing enough tbh, body movements, slight shy glances towards the one he likes) but it wasnt over-exaggerated. I dont even have to talk about the other two because man they were good.
This post was really random, but thank you if anyone read it ♥