[things doro doesn't like in a fic]

Jan 27, 2010 18:01

NO MORE EXAMS. 8D Now all left to worry about is whether I passed or not. "XD

Response to rikke's post about things she doesn't like in a fic. XD We share most of the same ones. n_n

WARNING: This is just my opinion of things - I'm sorry if I offended anyone. D: But I will let you shoot me at the end of reading this. XD Or you could shoot me now, if you want XD

1. ppl who typ lik dis in a fic.
Well. I don't know how people can stand reading a fic with internet talk. I mean, no one says 'lol' or 'ttyl' in real life - only on the internet. But when I come across a fic like this, just... no. Please. My eyes. It's... just not proper. "XD For me, that is.

2. Mary Sues
More Mary Sues than Gary Stus partly because I haven't read a Gary Stu yet (I kind of want to, to see the difference XD). But really - this girl was born in America but can speak twenty different languages including Japanese - just no. And sometimes when a Mary Sue appears, the character intended to be the person she happens to fall in love with all of a sudden becomes OOC - out of character. For example, if a girl came up to MatsuJun and suddenly started blushing and talking, I honestly don't think Jun would blush or giggle back.

3. Banners
I don't mind the banners - they're fun to look at, but I don't know, seeing the banner just doesn't make me want to read the fic. I don't know why - it's not like I'll not like the banner or whatever, I just... don't read the fic that comes with.

4. Mpreg.
It is impossible for men to get pregnant. And it just doesn't leave a person with the right image. =.=

5. People saying 'DON'T FLAME!1!!!1!'
Um. Well, you may not want to get flamed. I understand that. But saying it over and over again and only - excuse me - whoring for good, paragraphed reviews? It just um. Doesn't work. And it gets even worse when a person says 'MY PUPPY DIED A FEW MINUTES AGO OKAY REVIEW!!1!1!'.

6. When people spell canon characters' names wrong
I do it all the time. But I fix it. And I just don't like it when other people make typos in a canon character's name and don't fix it. "XD Just a pet peeve - please don't take it personally?

7. 'I want 28479831 reviews so REVIEW OR I WON'T UPDATE.'
I think this is already clear. "XD People write because they want to write - not because they want reviews. I like writing. I don't care if I don't get no reviews because to be honest, I'm satisfied with (most of - I'll admit that I was a terrible writer a few years ago "XD) my work.

8. Inserting random foreign words
There are some cases where I am completely fine with it - I've done it a few times myself but I... don't think I do it much anymore. But when you abuse the language consistently, it makes me think that English isn't sufficient for you. Which makes me sad because it's English and I love this language. Since it's there, why not use it?

9. Summaries that say 'Um. I'm not good at writing summaries. Just check the fic out.'
I think... this is self-explanatory? While a person may not be good at writing summaries, they could still attempt to do it?

10. Um. I don't think I have a tenth one. I'm just putting it here because... nine (I DID NOT MISTYPE THIS AS NINO) is such a lonely number. D: And ten is just...yay. :D



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