Feb 06, 2007 09:57
I just can't believe how much stuff has been going on in my life. Well for those of you that didn't notice I kinda disappeared for 4 days. That is because my grandfather passed away earlier this week. My dad's father. So we had to go out to Columbus Ohio for the funeral. We left on Thursday and arrived in Ohio around 2 in the afternoon on Friday. We went straight to the funeral home for the viewing and to meet the many family members that I didn't know. I have more cousins on my Dad's side of the family that I can remember. The only ones I could tell you who they were are my cousins Gary and Dianna. That's it. lol. I got to meet my Uncle Gary who I have never met before. It was great to see my Grandfather again, but i wished that I could have seen his face with his soul there. I do believe that I will see him again in Heaven. The funeral was Saturday morning and it was beautiful. Not really long, but just right. Afterwards we had the long funeral procession to the graveyard where he was buried with my Grandmother, 2 Aunts that died as infants and I believe some other family members. For those of you that wouldn't believe it, the weather in Ohio is so much colder then here in Maine. It's all due to stupid Lake Eerie. The lake effects the weather a great deal out there. So it was pretty much freezing at the graveyard. Grandpa was a World War II Veteran so there were 2 Army soldiers there. He received the Bronze Star as well as the Purple Heart. He was very proud of his Army career and I'm proud if it as well. I didn't cry at all until the 2 soldiers took the American flag off of his casket and started to fold it and played taps. After they folded the flag they handed it to my father and saluted him. See my Dad is the oldest living child in his family so therefore the flag was given to him. He then gave the flag to my Aunt Karen who had been taking care of my Grandfather while he was sick. She was then going to take it to Juanita who is my Step Grandmother. It was a great trip. I just wished the reason we went home was a better one. Ohio is my home. It was nice to spend time with my family too. See when things are normal day to day there are some times where I don't get to see people. Our schedules conflict so it doesn't happen. I'll keep the memories I have close to my heart. Thanks for all the support.