Mar 07, 2009 10:04
I didn't check the date but I know I have not posted here in a loooong ass time. But lately I have been feeling the need to write...errr I should say type because it is a lot faster, plus my hand doesn't hurt from typing like it does actually writing.
Soo many things have happened in the past few months. Mainly the fact that I moved. I came up to good old Bakersfield and so far it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Only problem is the jobs up here are few and far between. I hate the fact that I send out resume after resume and application after application and nothing. Not a call, not an e-mail, simply nothing. I am just soooo amazingly lucky that I have the worlds most wonderful and understanding bf who is letting me be a SAHG (stay at home gf) while I job hunt. The deal is...I do all the home stuff (cleaning, laundry, cooking you know all that good stuff that I don't mind doing anyways) and he is helping me out with the bills. So far it is going ok with him doing this because he is still getting 2 paychecks. But once his Sprint severance is over...who knows where we'll be.
So living up here has one stinking downside. All the oil and AG production makes for the shittiest air quality one can imagine. I used to get a headache once every few up here I am lucky if I have less than 2-3 a week. I guess I jsut have to get used to it though...and I am. The first few weeks that I was up here was just one non-stop headache. It's getting better though.
I love our house that we live in. It has a beautiful weeping willow out front (I have always wanted a Willow!) and it has not 1 but 2 window seats! Have always wanted those too! Its not huge, but it is absolutely perfect for the two of us, the 2 cats, the rats and the turtle...oh and our newly added minnow because Turd Face has yet to catch and eat him. We have 3 bedrooms....well one bedroom, one office/craft room, and one spare bedroom/candle room. Yup thats right I said candle room, I am officially selling Partylite like my mom. She has been doing so good lately (even with the economy going down), that there is no reason I should not do it...seeing as I don't have a 'real' job yet. At least this will bring in some money to help me out with the bills.
So yeah...I think thats my update for right now. I will probably be back later today or tomorrow cuz yeah, I have been wanting to just write lately...